03:50 PM
6 Loves
I love SW, it is/was my favorite airline. I am appalled at SW employees who kicked a man off their flight because they did not like his hat that showed he was a black man who supported Trump. Whatever they say the reason was, I saw the video. He did nothing wrong other than being a black man who apparently supports trump. It should not matter who customers support politically. It is especially abhorrent that a man was kicked off a flight for "being black while supporting Trump". SW needs to make a public apology to the man and let all its employees know that they cannot use their positions as SW employees to punish those customers that have different beliefs. Please just get back to treating everyone with respect regardless of political belief. Leave the politics to the politicians. I don't want to have to find a new favorite airline.
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We have the video. SW agent refused to answer relevant questions (are customers allowed to remove face masks to eat). Customer was not belligerent, was respectful, was following standard rules. Everyone around verified he did nothing wrong. SW needs to instruct their crew that they cannot kick customers off of flights just because they don't like political statements on the customers clothing.
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