05:47 PM
05:47 PM
@jksobonya "The facts" about COVID-19 have been ignored in many cases, particularly the fact that COVID is a mild-to-moderate virus, always has been even before vaccines were introduced, and that most who get it recover. People love to say how infectious COVID is to make you afraid ("It's 10x worse than the flu! Run for the hills!") or how many deaths there are in the United States (or world) to show just how "deadly" it is, but they conveniently ignore how many recover. In the US, the "death count" is around 700K now but almost 45 million have gotten COVID and recovered. Worldwide, over 200 million have recovered compared to just under 5 million deaths. COVID is simply not as deadly as people seem to think it is, but getting through to them is a lost cause. People are obsessed with death when they should be obsessed with recovery; some of these lost causes go as far as to make web sites to spread fear and try to shame unvaccinated people who die of COVID. It's really sickening behavior. There is a special place in you-know-where for those who are so terrified - for no real reason - that they promote unfounded fear to the masses. Anyway, back to mandates, I will continue to suggest in regards to US COVID deaths alone that had the nursing home "mandates" in NY, PA, OH, and other states not happened at the beginning of the pandemic, our death count would be cut significantly. We failed to protect the at-risk when they needed the most protection, and we are continuing to fail by over-protecting the least at-risk which is children. It really is a shame. Wow! So much wrong with this reply....I don't have the time or patience to reference the 1000+'s of non-biased publications that contradict every point you make...I respect your right to your opinion, regardless of it's scientific merit..Stay healthy and fly safe!
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