With Knoxville, TN having an influx of people moving in (hello CA residents) and the opening of the new longer runway in December of last year it is time to bring Southwest to Knoxville! The closest airports currently are 3 hours (Nashville) and 4 hours (Atlanta) drive. With UT and the major growth happening there is a need for a Southwest route. Many (like myself) have moved from California (and other Western states) and frequently return to visit or have travelers visiting in TN.
Knoxville is also centrally located for Southwest to continue flights along to other Eastern destinations.
Projections show that population will continue to grow
The current metro area population of Knoxville in 2022 is 771,000, a 1.98% increase from 2021.
The metro area population of Knoxville in 2021 was 756,000, a 2.02% increase from 2020.
The metro area population of Knoxville in 2020 was 741,000, a 2.35% increase from 2019.
The metro area population of Knoxville in 2019 was 724,000, a 2.4% increase from 2018.
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07:53 PM
07:53 PM
Pretty please! Jamaica, Nassau, any Carribbean or Central American place!
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I've heard hints that they were working on it (even ordering more long haul planes)....but nothing for the last year. I second the petition to go to Hawaii! OAK is such a big hub for SW it makes sense.
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07:49 PM
07:49 PM
I just flew to LIR from OAK via LAX three weeks ago....VERY limited flights only on certain days....check out the fare calendar.
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