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Southwest Airlines Community

Going Green: From Customer Idea to Implementation

Adventurer A

We’re always looking for tips on how our Customers and Employees live and work Green, so our Green Team was delightfully surprised to receive an e-mail from a Customer who frequents our 737s twice a week.  Valued Rapid Rewards Member Jerome read our 2009 Southwest Airlines One Report™, and realized he had a pointer for us to add to next year’s report.

Every time Jerome printed his boarding pass, it would print two pages—the boarding pass on the first page and nothing on the second page.  Wait a minute—this sounds like a lot of ink and extra paper.  With Green at the forefront of Jerome’s mind, the blank page made its way into the recycling bin on the times when he forgot to tell his printer to only print the first page. 

Jerome even did the math for us, which really hits the point home. He flies twice a week, so that’s 104 pieces of paper a year going to waste.  Multiply this by the more than 100 million Customers we serve every year, and you get the idea.

Jerome—we heard you, and Green Team Member Terri shared this information with our Central Support Desk.  In turn, this Team tested the problem on several different browsers and confirmed that a second blank page was in fact being printed.  With the additional help of our Marketing Solutions and Teams, the defect has now been corrected.

Our Customer Relations Team got wind of this and responded to Jerome not only thanking him for bringing the issue to our attention but for allowing us to improve one of our processes that impacts our Customers and the environment. 

We want to continue to contribute to preserving our natural resources and the environment, so let us know your ideas on living and working Green.  DING!  You are now free to be Green.

Explorer C
The next thing Southwest needs to do is allow customers to keep the boarding pass on their smartphone & just scan the screen. Think of all the paper you could save then! Plus, then I wouldn't have to remember to print my boarding pass 😄
Explorer C
I love you guys because of stuff like this. Seriously.
Explorer C
GREAT idea, it sure will save alot of paper and ink!
Explorer C
That is so close. How about a barcode page displayed on my iphone instead of a boarding pass?
Explorer C
Is there any movement to implement paperless boarding passes like the legacy airlines are doing? My last trip was from ABQ-MSP on Delta, and one of the very few advantages of flying on Delta was the fact the they have paperless boarding passes available at both airports (paperless boarding passes being the ones that are sent to your cell phone, with a barcode that the TSA and gate agent scan to verify its authenticity). It worked very well on my phone, was very convenient, and saves on paper. I would hope that Southwest would get on board to implement this, being the largest domestic carrier in the USA!
Explorer C
I've never flown Southwest but you would think testing the print nature of boarding passes would've been done prior to it going live. I hate getting a 2nd page with just a URL in the header or footer. Glad ya'll got it fixed but you guys should have already been aware and resolved this issue before it was brought to your attention. Keith Freitag
Explorer C
I called your Customer Service Desk four times in the last six months for flight changes and every time I called I also told them the same thing about the extra sheet of paper. Do you only respond to emails?
Explorer C
It would also help if you switched to only black graphics and save on the color ink on the boarding passes...
Explorer C
If the second page is blank, "this sounds like a lot of ink and extra paper"? Also, you can re-use the second page if it's blank. Nonetheless, happy you solved this. It's a consistent problem across airlines, except Virgin America, which manages to arrange a single sheet. Now, you guys, too!
Explorer C
Another green idea: does SW use APU's as often as they are available at airports to save fuel and local emissions? I have a treasure trove of green ideas for you..
Explorer C
So did Jerome get anything? A free flight or two? or?
Explorer C
I love that you corrected this and I love that you now print A-list on the boarding pass so thank you for the recent changes! I would love it even more if you did electronic boarding passes like some of the other airlines do, and do one better by rolling it out faster! It is so convenient to have the pass on my phone - no forgetting to print it, etc.
Explorer C
Similar with the itinerary email, that the 2nd page bottom only has the "book air", "book car" links, etc. If you can configurate the layout of those itinerary emails so that everything fits on one page, that would save another piece of paper.
Explorer C
No offense, but I wonder why this browser testing wasn't done as part of the QA process on the Southwest production side before you implemented the online printing of the boarding passes. I work in website production and we would never release a project to consumers that hadn't been tested on multiple browsers and platforms already. I appreciate you taking care of it once alerted by a consumer, but I would prefer your team actually troubleshooting the product before it is released to the masses. As a side note, is Southwest considering doing electronic/mobile boarding passes in the near future? That would save paper all together!
Explorer C
Better yet, save the paper boarding pass all together and swipe the drivers license to match the name, address, and driver license or identification card number through the swipe strip on the identification.
Explorer C
I thought of the SmartPhone thing too, I really wanted to have it on my Kindle, but TSA requires the paper so they can sign off on it 😞 Would save me a bunch having to print it out when I do not have a printer. Plus I would not misplace it. The single page thing is a great idea. I had been thinking the same thing, the blank 2nd page was bad.
Adventurer A
Hi Anon-Thanks--I'll share that feedback about our itinerary page with our Marketing Solutions Team!
Explorer C
If I remember right, boarding passes are printed out on about 1/2 a page. How about finding a way to print out two passes/copies on one page? That would save more paper that "printing" a "blank" page that can be put back in the paper tray to be printed on.
Explorer C
I totally agree smart phone boarding passes are the way to if the airports would get on the ball and we could all be much greener.
Explorer C
More DINGS to Vegas would save paper. Money is paper, DINGS save me money. Therefore ... (I randomly threw Vegas out there. No really! Of course if that's where you choose to start this initiative, I would have to support it by booking a trip or two. I'm just sayin ... ) Thanks Southwest! Luv ya!
Explorer C
I have not had the problem of printing out 2 pages for my boarding pass. Love the idea though
Explorer C
YES...another 2 votes in my house...scan the phone screen! No paper!! Course I suppose TSA will have to be on board too and that could take decades
Explorer C
How about being able to print out more than 1 boarding pass per page?
Explorer C
Why even have a barcode/paper at all? You already have a Confirmation Number. How about adding a function within the software that allows you to pick a PIN at check-in. Then, not only the airlines but TSA could use the same software but have different modules where the information would populate and the customer could verify with the confirmation and PIN. No paper, no barcodes, no phone compatibility issues. The only glaring error I can think of right now is when people pick a PIN that they forget by the time they check in.
Explorer C
Now save me some more ink by making it black only and losing the ads on the bottom of the page. Keep it simple!
Explorer C
Would a different type of paper at the counters and gates help save money? I know that Continental uses a much thinner type of paper. Of course in the short term this would cost more money since we would have to stock the paper, ship it, and get new printers in every station. Smartphone passes should be the next thing. Other airlines are doing it.
Explorer C
I say Josh should get some Rapid Rewards Credits for his idea... then again, he flys twice a week, so probably doesn't need them 🙂
Explorer C
Whoops, I meant Jerome
Explorer C
I'll join the crowd who are requesting paperless boarding passes- come on Southwest, even United has implemented that!
Explorer C
Southwest - Ya'll rock!
Explorer C
I agree with Felicia, is Jerome getting a free flight?
Explorer C
Definitely create a bar code scan on the iPhone like what you use at Starbucks to pay & that can just be scanned.
Explorer C
For a long time... I have been printing page ONE, only... as both ends of my flight generated two pages (one was blank). Hopefully the fix resolves the issue. If only Southwest could implant common-sense (and, timeliness) into the TSA screeners. A girl can only wish...
Explorer C
will you guys start flying onto/out of Santa Barbara when they finish the new terminal?? it would make my dreams come true!! hope, hope!
Explorer C
Had the "pleasure" of flying one of the competitors the other week - one of the few upsides was that the boarding pass was, indeed, on my smartphone. Scanned it at the TSA checkin coming into the terminal directly from the parking garage and then scanned again to board. Was a pleasure - too bad it isn't on all carriers and at all airports!
Adventurer A
Thanks to everyone for the additional feedback on how we can improve the technology behind our boarding passes. I'll be sharing this info with the appropriate Southwest Teams! And, yes, we did thank this Customer, Jerome, for sharing this tip with us. We always love to hear ideas from our Customers! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts here!
Explorer C
Last week I was flying from Colorado to Oakland, CA and there was a guy ahead of me in line who had his boarding pass on his smart phone. I thought it was pretty cool!
Explorer C
I am impressed that the competitors have implemented paperless tickets and smartphone barcodes. Now, if they could just get their passengers to their destinations on time.
Explorer C
I agree that we can do without the ads on the boarding pass. That is a total waste of ink. If you insist on putting ads in, maybe those can be on the second page. I like the idea of two passes on the same page for people traveling together. That wold also save paper. Also, there are those of us who don't have smart phones. Boarding passes should be replaced by providing our ID and confirmation number. The real problem with boarding passes though, is that while people are away from home on a trip, they usually don't have access to the internet, and can't print one unless they call a friend or family member to do it for them, or else take their chances at the airport and most likely be the last to board. My suggestion is to drop the 24 hour rule and let us print our boarding passes for the return trip before we leave. That would be the most logical solution to that problem. You guys are doing a great job. I only fly Southwest. Keep up the good work!!!
Explorer C
Really pleased with Southwest and appreciate the low fares and no bag charge. For myself and maybe thousands more others - I don't have a Smart Phone and don't plan to get one. I just don't need it in my life and can't justify the expense. Would hate to see that the only way to display a boarding pass.
Explorer C
I never print my boarding passes at home; I check in at home and print off my boarding passes at the check-in kiosk as I need to check my bag in anyway. . . saves lots of my paper and ink!!
Explorer C
Great idea. I used to "save" those second sheets and run them through my printer to use the back side when I print off my husband's boarding pass!
Explorer C
Your airline is my first choice for personal flights and for all the people I book flights for at work. Your attention to safety, customer service and timely scheduling are just a few reasons why I choose Southwest. Not to mention the absence of bag fees and the singing flight attendants! I love SWA!
Explorer C
My husband can't have salt/sodium and he'd like a snack too, but has to decline the snacks offerred because of the sodium ingredient. Please give healthy snacks w/o salt for passengers like my husband. Thanks you, Linda San Jose, CA
Explorer C
I like the idea of being able to scan smart phone screen..............
Explorer C
Great - except this must only work on flight confirmations. In other words, I just printed my rental car confirmation, and received the dreaded (and wasteful) second sheet of paper. Also, another thought: if there is more than one person traveling, why can't multiple tickets appear on 1 sheet of paper (just printed three tickets on three sheets of paper). There were several ads on the first sheet - unnecessary since you already have my business at that point.
Explorer C
What do I do when more than one person is flying on Southwest and I need to get the two boarding passes online? Do I have to sign in two times to get the passes or can I get them together somehow. Can anyone help me?
Explorer C
I guess I am not getting it right. My print window says one page , I press print and I still get the extra page with the URL at the top and the date at the bottom of the second page. Any simple advice for me to get the first page only? Its OK , I'm used to feeling stupid when it comes to this stuff. Also do I have to print the advertising at the bottom of the first page? Using extra toner. Southwest is the best !
Explorer C
Paperless boarding passes PLEASE! I fly southwest and Delta and it is so nice when I fly Delta and I can just check in AND get my boarding pass right on my phone!
Explorer C
BTW, folks, this is happening again...