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Southwest Airlines Community

Thoughts on Independence Day by the Blog Team

Aviator C

Once again this year, we want to share the Independence Day plans of our Blog Team.  As you can see, they will be attending a wide variety of events, and my guess is that this pretty well tracks those of you reading the blog.

Paula Berg, our Blog Girl tells us:  “I'll be covering our dog's ears to protect him from the sound of fireworks!”

Christi Day, our Video Blog Star will be enjoying the taste of California:  “I will be throwing a family wine tasting party to try all the fabulous wine we bought in Napa last week and spend time with the whole family!”

Flight Attendant Carole Adams reminds us that many of our Employees will be working on the Fourth, but they will make it fun: "Where better to celebrate this fourth of July than on one of our SWA Luv Jets!  We will decorate all originating planes, pass out flag stickers to our Customers, honor our Service men and women while giving Americans a sixth Freedom - the Freedom to move about the Country!"

Ana Schwager will also be "working": "I'll be spending my July 4 Holiday in Columbus with 125,000 of my closest friends at Red, White, and Boom, Ohio's Largest Independence Day parade and fireworks show.  Southwest is the Official Airline of the event, and I'll be hosting some Community Partners and Customers as we enjoy food, fun, and fireworks!"

Meanwhile, up in the Bay Area, Kim Delevett, our “mom to be” will be focused on being ready for baby:  “Normally, my husband and I would take advantage of the three-day weekend for a quick jaunt to either visit friends and family or take a whirlwind trip abroad. Now that I'm eight months preggers, we will be taking an exciting trip to Babies R Us instead.  We actually look forward to spending time at home this year and celebrating our last holiday as a couple with no dirty diapers! And we can't wait to stare at my belly to see how baby James will react to the crackling and booming fireworks!

Beverly Behrens will be working on her home also:  “I am packing my house up to move and have no more exciting plans (except that we are moving from an apartment to a house! YAY!)."

My next door neighbor here in the office, Katie Coldwell, is, like Kim, another world traveler, and she is taking a whirlwind trip this Fourth:  “On the morning of July 4, I'll have the joy of waking up in Washington D.C. Our nation's capital is a great place to celebrate our birthday, but, although I can vouch that the fireworks on the Washington Mall are some of the best I've ever seen, I'll have to come back another time for fireworks.  Early in the morning on the 4th, I'll head to Dulles airport to catch a flight--well, really it's several flights:  D.C. to Rome to Ethiopia to Rwanda.  I'm headed to Kigali for a two-week mission trip.

“It seems strange, but somehow, being out of the country on Independence Day--especially when I'm exercising my religious freedom--is a touching reminder of the sacrifices that have been made by so many to ensure that I have the freedom to worship, to speak, and to serve. So even though I won't be here for the celebration, and no matter what country I'm in, I am so thankful for the many freedoms we enjoy in America!  Happy Independence Day!”

Back on this side of the ocean, Gordon Guillory is going to take a break from his Mechanic’s tools:  “This Furth of July we will be celebrating the Guillory's Family reunion, normally I would travel down to Southeast Texas for this event but we have started a new tradition where my father and his siblings and their families travel to the Dallas area and we have the family reunion here. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and eating that good ole southern cooking. Let's continue to pray for those protecting us abroad so that we can enjoy days like this."

It sounds like Angela Vargo, the original Blog Girl, is going to be involved with another kind of eating tradition.  “”For the 4th, we're going to have a good ol' Texas crawfish boil (also known as "craw daddies" and "mudbugs"). It's a lot of work for a little bit of meat, but it's well worth the effort. Of course, in the 100-degree heat, I'll no doubt be boiling as well. My LUV goes out to all our service men and women - past and present. Thank you for giving us the gift of Freedom."

Culture Chick Mallory Messina has seafood plans too: "I’m so excited to spend the long weekend visiting my baby sister, Margot, in Charleston, South Carolina.  Ok, she’s not such a baby anymore, as this will probably be my last visit before she graduates from College of Charleston in August!  We’re planning to spend the 4th on the beach watching fireworks (and I’m hoping to get some she-crab soup!)"

Some of our Blog Team will be on the ocean.  Sunny Abercrombie, our resident sailing captain tells us:  "I will be spending this Fourth of July Holiday in Clear Lake, Texas on our sailboat, Notre Vie, with my husband, John, and my trusted Crew Member, Stella the Wonderdog!  We will enjoy fireworks and a wonderful celebration at the Seabrook Marina--our home away from home!  Thanks to Southwest, we have been given the Freedom to do so many wonderful things that I never before thought possible!  I hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July Celebration!"  Sunny also sends this picture of her Crew Member:


And of course, there are fireworks.  Susie Boersma’s plans include fireworks and some serious reflection:  “I know this is corny, but my family tradition is to attend a fireworks display event.  I get especially touched by the music that plays while the fireworks brighten up the night sky.  I reminisce about my father and his experience in the Navy, the battles fought over our freedom and the lives lost as a result, and the current war our young troops are fighting for.  I'm pretty sappy over this holiday.”

Down in Houston, Lana Elliot will be doing the same:  “I will spend the evening with my family and hope to attend Houston's Freedom over Texas fireworks show that is held downtown.”

Jim Herring won’t be too far from this Blog Boy on July 4th:  “My Independence Day plans are quite similar to the majority of Americans, I guess.  I'll be spending time with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece in Hickory Creek (close to your neck of the woods).  We're planning on watching fireworks, eating a lot, and maybe watching a movie.”

Wally Devereaux, our Cargo Guru, is also hanging close to home:  "Very low key plans at the Devereaux household.  We plan to enjoy the freedom provided by our great country by taking in the fireworks and spending time together as a family in  the backyard..."

As for me, I confess to a “guilty pleasure.”  The Fourth of July just isn’t complete without watching that quintessential American musical, The Music Man, about an America that probably never was.  In spite of that, this play certainly reflects a widely held American belief that strength of will can overcome obstacles whether it is a checkered background, narrow-mindedness, or physical and mental roadblocks.

As you might expect, Bill Owen has his own way of looking at Independence Day:  “This July 4th, since I'm now the "patriarch" of my family (after Mom's passing), I will have the family over for some skin-damaging, chlorine-absorbing pool time--and then go watch fireworks after dark at Lone Star Park.  But we will talk about--and never forget--that Freedom is expensive, and keep all of those that are helping keep us free and safe in our thoughts and hearts.”

Bill is right, our Freedom isn’t free.  While we all hope all of you have a fantastic Fourth of July, take a moment to think of those who serve in far-away and dangerous lands.   Also, please take a moment to share your holiday plans with us.

Adventurer B
This 4th July, I will be thinking of a special friend of mine who's birthday it is on this very special day (she turns 30, but don't tell anybody!). I will also be thinking of all american military personnel who are far away from home, before my own "Independance Day" on the 14th July... when I will be on duty, with a thought for our personnel also deployed overseas. :o) Raphael Sheffield
Adventurer B
My parents & I are grilling tonight! 🙂 Everyone's plans sound fun! 🙂 Speaking of fireworks, Mother Nature provided some of her own last night! I LUV thunderstorms, too! :) I have no thought for the day. :( SWA LUV! 🙂
Frequent Flyer B
Although I wasn't traveling, I was celebrating this Fourth of July weekend by preparing for a very big trip I'm about to take. Some major changes in my life are about to occur, and because of them, it is with mixed feelings that I announce here to my friends that this will be the last post by External Blog Boy. For two years, it has been a true blessing and an honor to serve as "External Blog Boy", offering my opinions on tremendously important topics, incredibly irrelevant topics, and everything inbetween. I cannot begin to describe what a privilege it has been to appear here electronically alongside my many wonderful friends at Southwest Airlines, including Brian, Paula, Shelley, Sunny, Carole, Leah, Joe, Francisco and a whole gaggle of others too numerous to mention. The chance to banter back and forth, tease each other and just be a part of the excitement of the Nuts About Southwest Blog has been a true delight for me. In the near future, you may read in this very blog what has become of your third-favorite nut (after dry roasted and honey roasted), but until then, rest assured that even if External Blog Boy MUST retire tonight, this is a good change. Kim :-) External Blog Boy (ret.)
Adventurer B
Oh, Kim, aka External Blog Boy! 😞 I'll miss you! I've enjoyed your posts. You're a great friend, & please keep in touch with me. I give Blog Boy permission to give you my email, just in case you don't still have it. God bless, & take care. Thought for the day: Do dogs have fur or hair? :) SWA LUV!
Explorer C
As a frequent flyer, thank you, thank you, thank you for removing the Slaughter family from their connecting flight. They want to be compensated for their inconvenience? Did they ever think about the inconvenience to the other passengers caused by their unruly children?