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Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Adventurer C

One of my Southwest credit card perks is a few yearly complimentary business select upgrades to an A1-A15 boarding position. If I do this, will my Companion Pass Traveler automatically get assigned to that upgrading boarding position right behind  as well?


Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Frequent Flyer A

Nope, they will not, It's actually in the small print on your CP terms and conditions. You would have to upgrade the Companion as well. 

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Aviator A

@parpitt1 wrote:

Nope, they will not, It's actually in the small print on your CP terms and conditions. You would have to upgrade the Companion as well. 

Which should also be reimbursed if you use the same card.


It would be best to refer to it as "upgraded boarding" as opposed to full business select - you don't get the drink coupon, 12x points, refundability etc. - it's just the boarding position.



Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Aviator A

Sidebar: if you had bought Business Select from the beginning the CP also does not get sequential boarding. So it's consistent between BS fare and upgraded boarding - neither gets a sequential boarding position for the companion.





Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Explorer A

It’s getting late in the year for me to try to re-qualify for A-List Preferred for 2024.  If I buy the Business Select fare for me, is my Companion pass passenger eligible to buy the Early bird boarding so she at least is not among the last of the C-group to board?  And the sooner the CP buys early bird boarding, the better??


Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Aviator C

@Bill5303 wrote:

It’s getting late in the year for me to try to re-qualify for A-List Preferred for 2024.  If I buy the Business Select fare for me, is my Companion pass passenger eligible to buy the Early bird boarding so she at least is not among the last of the C-group to board?  And the sooner the CP buys early bird boarding, the better??


If you go for Business Select, it is my understanding that your companion does not get the sequential boarding benefit or a spot in A1-15. I would not do Early Bird Check-In (EBCI) as the boarding spot will be after all Business Select, all A-List Preferred/A-List Priority Boarding spots, and all Anytime Fares booked > 36 hours prior which could mean a spot in B even with EBCI. Rather, if spots are available, I would have companion purchase Upgraded Boarding after check-in for a A1-15 spot.

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Explorer A

That’s assuming, of course, that there are any upgraded boarding positions for the companion still available 24 hours in advance, right?  If none are available, at least with Early Bird, the companion would get a better boarding position than without Early Bird, right?  Maybe B rather than C (if the plane is pretty full). 

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Aviator C

@Bill5303 wrote:

That’s assuming, of course, that there are any upgraded boarding positions for the companion still available 24 hours in advance, right?  If none are available, at least with Early Bird, the companion would get a better boarding position than without Early Bird, right?  Maybe B rather than C (if the plane is pretty full). 

No guarantee either way.


I've read all over this board of a bunch of belly-aching that one can buy EBCI well in advance of the flight only to get a "bad" B position. A key part of the EBCI benefit is what is given to A-Listers...Automatic check in so I don't have to set my alarm clock at T-24. No guaranteed 'A' spot.


Based on my experience before getting A-List, I would buy WGA+ fare and set my alarms at T-24, check in at that point, and if I got a "Deep-in-the-B" spot, like this recent trip to LAS, I would make the decision to buy Upgraded Boarding at that point. My worst spot after checking in manually at T-24 was somewhere around B50.


I've never faced an A1-A15 sellout via app/online at the T-24 mark after taking 30 flights so far this calendar year, even for the fullest of flights...I would usually get placed anywhere from A2-A8 when buying at experience all this year but again, no guarantee! Just based on experience!




Just keep in mind that Upgraded Boarding does not carry over if you decide later to do a Same Day Flight Change or Standby. However, waiting to buy Upgraded Boarding for your companion until you get to the airport however could increase the risk of a sellout as I've sometimes seen the entire A1-A15 area of the boarding line filled up upon board time on some flights. Other times, I've seen just four to six people.


Your call.

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Aviator A

@Bill5303 wrote:

That’s assuming, of course, that there are any upgraded boarding positions for the companion still available 24 hours in advance, right?  If none are available, at least with Early Bird, the companion would get a better boarding position than without Early Bird, right?  Maybe B rather than C (if the plane is pretty full). 

Combining a couple of your posts, I wanted to dig a little deeper on this:

  • If you are currently A-List Preferred
  • You are looking at BS fares to get the 12x points and make a run at re-qualifying


Then, I wonder if this would work for you:

  1. Buy your tickets normally, including any that you have already purchased now. 
  2. Wait until T-24 when check-in happens. 
  3. Then turn in your boarding pass and upgrade your fare to BS
  4. Your wife already has your sequential A-list position in-hand
  5. Change your ticket to Business Select to get the 12x points, same day.


If I'm misreading the situation and you were buying BS fare only to get the boarding position, then "upgraded" boarding is the way to go for sure. It'll be cheaper than BS but also doesn't include 12x points or drink coupon. You can add it for yourself and/or your wife either way. If you are still currently a-list she'll still have the boarding position originally assigned from there if you choose to upgrade yourself only.


The only way she's left hanging in the B's or C's is if you start off with BS already at T-24, then you'd have to either save a seat, have purchased EBCI (the earlier the better), or upgraded boarding for the most cost but least stress.


Honestly if you are buying BS fare just spring for the upgraded boarding for her - consider it as a companion pass that has a $40 charge - still a deal compared to buying a second ticket on other airlines and reserving a seat.






Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Business Select Upgrade Credit Card Perk

Explorer A

Thanks for replying. I changed my fare to BS and paid $123 additional for a flight next week only in order to get some of the tier qualifying points to help me re-qualify for A-List Preferred. I also bought my companion wife EB so she won’t be near the last to board, and plan to use one of my four free Chase upgrade boarding positions for her at the T-24 check-in if available. But your suggestion is the best - to wait and buy BS at T-24 check-in after she has sequential boarding position and thus save the cost of EB plus get a better boarding position. I run the risk of BS being sold out (though often low risk) and gotta do what I can to re-qualify.  I’ll do your suggestion on my flight after this one coming up.  Thanks for your help.