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Southwest Airlines Community


Explorer B

We flew into Chicago yesterday, they lost everyone’s luggage coming from Austin and couldn’t figure out that it was lost for several hours . It was in the airport but no one could help us. We can’t file a report because the lines were 6-8 hours long. No supervisors work there, and after waiting for 1,1/2 hours on the phone was told that they Dont have supervisors either. Who runs southwest? Worst customer service in history of flying


Re: Luggage

Aviator C

There have been quite a few posts lately about luggage.  With today's technology, each piece of baggage checked has a barcode and the system knows the whereabouts of the bag.  There is no reason for the plan to leave if baggage is not loaded.  The flight would not proceed with baggage but no customers.


It is time to exercise the rights you have to make claims about lost luggage.  If Southwest didn't give it to you in the baggage claim area, then declare it lost.

Re: Luggage

Explorer B

Thank you! They know where it’s at but are simply refusing to tell us.