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Southwest Airlines Community

Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

I am not receiving emails into my gmail account for my confirmation, itinerary or for other people's itineraries.  I have checked spam and they are not there.  I don't not see that they are being blocked in security.  This is quite inconvenient.  Please, how do I get this fixed?


Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer B

Hi - did you ever get past this? I've been hit with this problem, and Southwest sees no problem sending emails, but my internet service provider does not see any emails from Southwest hitting their servers. Something is messed up...

Re: Not Getting Emails

Frequent Flyer A

I have not experienced this issue.  I am receiving emails from them in Outlook.

Good luck - I hope you get it figured out soon.  Have you called Customer Service yet?  (Though those folks deal with flight issues more than IT issues.)

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer B

No, no fix yet. I simply added a secondary email that things get sent to, but that's not really an optimal solution. I'll call again and push harder on this.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

From our vendor - Southwest will not claim responsiblity and will say they dont know how to fix.


here is a workaround:


I saw on your other thread that this is related to receiving reservations emails from Southwest?   We had another client with this same issue about 15 months ago. It had to do with the company southwest uses to send their reservation emails.  That firm had the clients’ email address on a bounce list and no matter what we tried with southwest we couldn’t get it removed.  After they had spent weeks trying to resolve it with southwest, we created a new alias in Office 365, change the address that southwest sent the confirmations to and it was resolved in about 2 minutes. 

Not sure it’s the same issue you are facing but it sounds similar.


hopefully someone from their IT dept will see this and fix it.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer B

I have the same problem and have not received itinerary emails from Southwest (neither the automatic ones, nor ones I request when reviewing my existing reservation) for months.

I did a test this morning, where I sent emails to two different emails at the same domain, and one each to two other domains.  All but one of these are hosted by the same vendor (inmotionhosting).

EVERY email came through just fine, except for the one account that doesn't work - this includes a total of three domains at two different web hosts, so it's clearly an email-account specific issue.

My host could find no evidence of the missing email arriving at their server, so the issue is clearly at the sender (Southwest).



This is a duplicate post as this thread seems to be newer than the prior thread I responded to.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Retired Community Manager

Hi @clintm,


Thanks for posting in the Southwest Community. This is a peer-to-peer discussion forum, so we aren't able to tackle Customer Service issues on this platform. I'm sorry you haven't been receiving our emails, and I can certainly understand why that's a frustrating situation. We want to take the time to address the situation, so please reach out to our Customer Relations Department at 1-855-234-4654 where one of our Representatives can assist you with troubleshooting. 


Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer B

Thank you for your response, Lindsey.

Unfortunately, it is going to take more effort from Southwest than a friendly note in a discussion forum to resolve your ongoing issue.

I have already submitted a written request for help through your website (no response except an acknowledgement at this point) and have spoken with your customer relations office in Dallas (after wasting 48 minutes on hold when I was told it would be 25 minutes!).

No responses yet, just claims that my "issue is being referred to another department".


You say you can't tackle Customer Service issues on this platform. 

Let's look at it this way:  YOU are a representative of Southwest Airlines.  YOU have seen enough emails and heard enough complaints that you KNOW there is a problem in your system.  Maybe an electronic system needs to be tweaked; maybe some people need to be tweaked so that they find the issue, resolve it, and re-instate the blocked emails.  Maybe they could even notify people when their emails are blocked?

In any event, you are representing Southwest and you know there is a problem.  You're here to help your customers, respond to our concerns, and share issues with Management.  Why can't YOU talk to someone, email someone, or call a meeting and demand that this known problem be resolved.  Use me as an example if necessary to help identify the problem.  Some department's emails get through, so it's ONLY a problem with the system used by your reservations/itinerary system so you know where to look.

I've called, I've emailed, I'm asking you to help.

Thank you.

Re: Not Getting Emails - Southwest Email Server Blacklisted

Explorer C

As an IT service provider, we provide Barracuda email filtering service to our clients. We also have a client who is not receiving flight info (coming from / IP sent to his work email address (and protected by Barracuda's service).  We are on the phone with Barracuda support as I type this.


On 3/21 and 3/22, the client received SW emails from the domain and IP mentioned above. The problem was reported to us 3/23. In the Barracuda logs we can see the emails that were received earlier last week, but there is 0 record of any incoming emails after that.


The client changed the email address on the SW account to his address, and the email arrived just fine.


We took the header of the received email and ran it through an analyzer at and found that the IP address of the sending SW server is listed on two blacklist servers.  This is not good, even though Barracuda does not use these particular blacklist servers, it is possible that the SW email server above is being blocked along the way because of it's blacklisting.


In summary, we need SW to follow standard procedure to get their email server IP removed from the blacklists.


Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer B

Hi - I wanted to post back here to close the loop, that after @LindseyD offered to work this through internal channels, I'm now receiving SW email on my primary email account once again.


If everyone is receiving again, then perhaps it was some external blacklist problem as suggested by @nhjonesy. Otherwise, it may be the original notion that there's some internal filtering on individual email ids, at some last step in SW's IT infrastructure.


Hope this got better for everyone else!