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Companion pass early bird check in?

Explorer C

I received a promotional companion pass.  Already an A List preferred member for 2024.  Booked my ticket first, approximately 3 plus weeks ahead of travel date and booked the Anytime category. Added my companion on the first day of eligibility of the promotion for he companion, still approximately 2 weeks ahead of actual flight.  Just looked at my Trips in my app and checked the companions reservation and it has the option "Add earlybird check-in" on their confirmation.  I called SW and asked why and agent said the companions reservation will always say that but looking at MY reservation and specific details, my companion does NOT need to purchase but rather they WILL receive the early bird/sequential boarding position when we check in.  My question is-have others seen the same "add earlybird check-in" on their companion pass with their A List status?  I am only questioning this because the first time I ever earned a promotional companion pass, I booked MY ticket as the Business Select and then added my companion when I could, saw that same "add earlybird" but called and SW agent said ignore it, your companion will receive early bird with me as I was A List status.  BUT when we checked in, that was NOT the case and my companion ended up with a C position.  We found out that the agent gave me incorrect information as SW had changed the rules to NOT include Business Select tickets to get that early bird with companion pass.  Ok, no worries, lesson learned.  So earned another one last year and made sure to purchase the anytime category and I SWEAR I do NOT remember seeing the "Add the earlybird check-in" on THAT companions reservation last fall and when we checked in, all was correct, they received the A number right behind mine (again, I was A List status).  I might be completely remembering this wrong but feel like I am not since we had the mix up the first time we made that mistake so I was super careful to do it correctly the second time around last fall.  So seeing that "add earlybird check-in" on the companions reservation now has me worried but again agent said it will be fine.  Have made NO changes or upgrades to EITHER reservation so not "breaking" any of those specific rules that might cause it to change,

So just seeing if others that are more frequent companion pass users, do you see that regularly on your companions reservation with similar situation?  SW agent was super nice and did a double check and assured me it was fine but guess I am just "being a worry wart" because of our first time mixup and its a 4 hour flight so I want to assure we are next to each other when we board.

Sorry for the lengthy description and appreciate any of you companion pass "pros" insight/help!


Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Aviator A

Reading monographs makes my head hurt.


Try making your post readable.

Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Explorer C

Simple solution-just don't read it then.  I completely understand it was lengthy and knew it might not get answered but took the chance because hey, it's a COMMUNITY.  Someone was kind enough to answer it for me and I am appreciative of that and of this discussion forum where folks can CHOOSE to answer or not.  While I find your answer back to my question unnecessary, it looks like you are well versed in SW culture and that is great that you take time to answer others with helpful information.

Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Frequent Flyer B

The option to add EBCI always appears on my companion’s reservations. However because I’m A list (and I don’t purchase BS) my companion has always received a sequential boarding position right behind me. The only time this may not work is if you add your companion less than 36 hours prior to the flight. 

Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Explorer C

Thank you for the reply, appreciate your time!

Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Frequent Flyer B

You were given incorrect info from SW customer service if he/she didn't look to see that you have business select:. If you purchased BS you should purchase early bird for your CP if they don't have their own status;  This works the same for free upgrades, if you upgrade yourself A1-15, the CP doesn't get upgraded and would have the original position, though you could upgrade each separately. 


This is the tiny print that you have to dig for from their website:


Upon check in, you and your Companion will receive sequential boarding positions except if you purchased a Business Select® fare or added the Companion after you had been assigned a boarding position. For Business Select fares, only the purchaser will receive an A1-A15 boarding position and the Companion will receive a boarding position based on whichever is applicable—time of check-in, A-List or A-List Preferred status, or EarlyBird Check-In®. If you purchased a Wanna Get Away®, Wanna Get Away Plus or an Anytime fare and either you or your Companion is an A-List or A-List Preferred Member, you will both receive reserved boarding positions

Re: Companion pass early bird check in?

Explorer C

Thank you very much for the reply and your time!  I did NOT purchase BS so looks like we should be fine.  Thanks again, always helps to just hear from others who have more experience!