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Southwest Airlines Community

Rude Flight Attendant

Explorer C

Whole flight was fine. Last flight of the night, I'm assuming, so obviously, everyone wants to go home, including the staff. As this elderly couple was trying to exit the plane and gathering their carryon bags, the flight attendant kept telling them they were holding up the line. She aggressively stated, "We don't have time for this right now" and very rudely and aggressively, grabbed the carryon out of the elderly man's hand and told them to hurry up. Hello, they were probably late 70's to early 80's...I mean have some courtesy!!! She could have helped them instead of yelling at them and practically shoving them down the exit way. She probably should take a break or just find another job.


Re: Rude Flight Attendant

Aviator C

Document this in a well-written letter to Southwest at their Dallas TX office.  


In addition, report this to the FAA and DOT for further investigation.

Re: Rude Flight Attendant

Aviator A

The FAA and DOT have no oversight regarding what may be considered rude or unhelpful behavior of an employee.


Use the contact us link at the bottom of this page and send a message with your comments. Be sure to include the flight number and date so Southwest can look into the matter.



Re: Rude Flight Attendant

Aviator C

What the OP describes could easily be reported as an assault.

Re: Rude Flight Attendant

Aviator A

@floridaguy wrote:

What the OP describes could easily be reported as an assault.

Still not FAA or DOT 



Re: Rude Flight Attendant

Aviator C

Yikes. You can also contact via Twitter or FB DMs.

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger