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Rude gate agent at MCO.

Explorer C

Good morning, I am writing to share my experience on a recent flight. Flight 4151 from MCO to ATL. Gate 128. 

 It’s two days later, and I am still in shock that this happened.  About an hour before our flight we received notification that it was boarding.  We were in the food court eating. We quickly gathered our stuff and headed to the gate (128). Upon arrival at the gate no one was lined up so we walked up to the desk to ask what was going on.  There were two Southwest employees there talking. I said excuse me is the flight boarding?  We just received notification that it was. Very rudely she looked at me, and then slowly looked at the gate where no one was lined up, rolled her eyes and said “no.” I said, “OK, thank you.” I was taken aback by the rudest but unfortunately, today that’s a part of travel. We fly every week and have encountered this many times, but as we were walking away to find seats, the woman I spoke with made an announcement over the loudspeaker she said “for the last time the flight is not boarding, tell your cousins, your mother, your friends,  it’s not boarding, please stop coming up here and bothering us.“ The people in the gate area started laughing. It was very uncomfortable. We had no idea that they had been previous announcements as we were in the food court. Feeling very embarrassed, we went and sat down for a moment, and as I sat there, I thought about how we were just treated and decided it was not OK and I was going to email Southwest. I walked back up to the desk to take a picture of the board to show that it said the flight was now boarding even though it was an hour before our flight. I sat back down at my seat, which was at gate 129 a significant distance from the desk. A few minutes later, the woman, the Southwest employee that had been so rude to me, walked up to me and said very aggressively “Did you just take my picture? I can sue you if you post my picture on social media.” I was shocked that an employee would confront me in such a way. Not only that but to seek me out, in my seat at the next gate and speak so rudely to me. I replied that “no I had not taken her picture. I took a picture of the board for the information.” She then demanded to see my phone. I could not believe it. Obviously I refused, and then I asked to speak to her supervisor, because what she was doing was outrageous, and her response was. “I don’t need no supervisor- I supervise myself. You don’t need to speak to no one and you need to show me that phone!” I was shocked and I felt threatened as she continued to demand to see my phone. I looked around for security, but didn’t see anyone so I walked up to the desk, and I asked one of her coworkers if they could get a supervisor. Their response was “did you take our picture?” I was completely shocked by the lack of professionalism shown by these agents. One of the agents said “what’s the problem” and I explained that she was not only rude when I asked a question, she was now  confronting me very aggressively and I would like to discuss it with someone. And she responded with “We’re allowed to tell jokes, Southwest wants us to tell jokes.” And I explained that I appreciate that however, humor is subjective and rudeness and aggression are never OK. In addition, at no point should a Southwest employee threaten me, a customer. The entire time that I was talking to the other agents at the desk the woman (later I found out her name was Anita) who had confronted me was standing 5 feet away talking to other customers seated by the gate, saying, “do you believe the bull**** I deal with every day.” I could not believe it. We have flown Southwest for decades. It has always been our favorite airline. I understand the challenges right now hiring competent people. I know that just getting people to show up for work is basically all we can expect right now, but this has really gone too far. I have never been afraid of an employee before boarding an airplane and on this day I was.  I can’t believe my experience and I’m not sure what I could do.
And while I would like to say going forward, I’m just going to choose another airline. I can’t really do that as I have 400,000 miles and a free companion pass. I have to fly every week for work so if I were to choose another airline all the time  and moneyI spent building up these miles and companion Pass will have been a waste.  

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

Southwest has tens of thousands of employees. It seems you ran into a bad one -- or maybe one that for whatever reason was having a bad day.


Feel free to complain directly to SW by clicking on "contact us" (below) and proceding.

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Explorer C

I did and receive the canned response, so I was hoping for other options by posting here. But thank you for your comment.

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

@Cocowum1 wrote:

I did and receive the canned response, so I was hoping for other options by posting here. But thank you for your comment.

Add your commentary onto the canned response and resend via US post office, that will get the most attention if you previously sent by email.


They know you care if you take the time to send a letter, it adds emphasis.





Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

Your best bet is to email southwest so they can document your experience. I wonder if it was the same rude agent I dealt with a few weeks ago at MCO 


in the future if I have an issue with someone at MCO I’d go to a different gate than the one they just came from. In your case maybe walk down to 121 since 125-129 usually have the same agents who all talk to each other 


sometimes the app will say a flight is boarding before it actually boarded especially if the plane is there and the ops agent sent some nonrev crew down early because once a boarding pass is scanned it thinks the flight is boarding. 

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Explorer C

I did and received a canned response. 

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

@Cocowum1 wrote:

I did and received a canned response. 

The initial response is always a canned response -- "we got what you sent and we need to look/ investigate further"


Did you expect an immediate detailed response?  I guess you didn't know that lot of people contact Southwest? - that makes detailed immediate responses impossible.

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

You could also try sending southwest a DM on X/Twitter or Facebook and maybe they can assist 


also if you just sent the email it can take up to 30 days for a response airlines get tons of emails 

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator A

@bec102896 wrote:

sometimes the app will say a flight is boarding before it actually boarded especially if the plane is there and the ops agent sent some nonrev crew down early because once a boarding pass is scanned it thinks the flight is boarding. 

The technology issue hopefully you an laugh about next time. Its recommended to be in the gate area prior to the boarding time but I'm sure missed announcements happen all the time.


After that it sure when downhill - use Contact Southwest Customer Service to send the details directly to the company. They won't be able to comment directly on any staffing activity but maybe some LUV could come your way to partly make up for your treatment.


All we can do here is talk about it as we are primarily customer to customer, if you want to send official description of the situation use the contact information for Southwest.



Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Rude gate agent at MCO.

Aviator C

I would separate your concerns in paragraphs and make it easier to read.  I understand your core concern but one single run-on collection of words won't be read by the average person.


I have a zero tolerance for unprofessional behavior.  My suggestion is to write a well-detailed letter, spacing for paragraphs, and direct it to the CEO of Southwest.  I would also ask for some level of compensation via LUV voucher.


Until Southwest has to start paying customers for this behavior, it will not change. 


MCO is a hotbed of bad behavior from gate agents and I LIVE IN THE MCO REGION so I would know. 


Shame on Southwest for putting up with this kind of behavior.