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Southwest Airlines Community

Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Adventurer C

I know many of us A-List and A-List Preferred members would like to see improvements in the perks awarded to us. WN will certainly never be able to match the perks of the Legacies, but I know there are a few perks I would like to see WN extend to those of us with status.


My main desire is to have the perks of my status extend to at least one (ideally three) other people on my itinerary, so I don't lose the perk of getting to board early and sit toward the front of the plane. Now when I travel with my family, I find myself saving seats in the back of the plane. Not ideal. From my time on FlyerTalk, I know this desire is not shared by everyone! Maybe the best compromise is to have groups traveling with someone of status to board between the A and B groups after those with status without an A boarding pass board.


My second thought is to tag checked bags with priority tags of some sort. When I fly AA in F, I always enjoy getting my checked bag(s) as quickly as possible. It'd be a nice addition to WN.


That's it for my requests. What desires do you all have? I know there are many that I have not listed. I look forward to interacting with you all on this great new platform! 


Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer C

Interesting concept.  A point to consider, many people value Southwest for it's simple and straight forward approach.  Adding more benefits to the A-listers, may send other travelers away.

Stormin Norman

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Adventurer C

I completely agree with you there. WN does a great job simplifying things and making all their customers feel fairly equal, especially when compared to the Legacies. I appreciate that, and it serves the company well. 

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer A

I think a great A-List perk would be to allow A-List members the option to receive two (2) wifi coupons in lieu of four (4) drink coupons.  I personally do not use the drink coupons but would absolutely use the wi-fi coupons.

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer B

I would love to be able to "buy" A-List status improvement with points near the end of the year, if close to the next level (eg., 10,000 points to get to A-List Preferred).

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer C

I believe this is actually possible last year, but only specific Members within reach are identified as potential candidates that get the option. Other airlines do this and, although it is incredibly expensive it can sometimes makes sense. You just need to evaluate the benefit against the cost. I hope this option becomes more broadly available as it is likely something I would use.

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer B

I really like the idea of replacing drink tickets with something else. I know that I'm not alone in making a choice not to consume alchohol and it would be nice to have alternative perks available. Free WiFi seems like a good alternative, but anyone with A-List Preferred status already receives free WiFi, so that may not be as beneficial to them.

Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Adventurer A

What if you could "switch for swag" and opt-out of drink tickets, instead get a $3 credit for each drink ticket to the Southwest store?



Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer A

Agree 100% on flying with family.  I'm an A-lister who came over to SW in the AirTran purchase.


I would be upgraded to their business class about 2/3 of the time.  And when flying with my wife or daughter they'd frequently be upgraded with me.


This difference between Airtran & SW never ceases to me annoy me:


Airtran: my daughter would frequently get business class when flying with her dad.

Southwest:  I have to get on board LATER when flying with my daughter.


(And I have to buy her early-bird or else I'll move from A16ish to mid-B or worse!)


Given I can't sit in an exit row when flying with my 7-year-old and she will sit in a middle seat, I dont understand the policy that she can't board with me at A-18 or wherever I pull.


I generally love SW customer service, but many times before I obtained companion pass, when doing family travel, we would fly others just because it annoys me so much that my A-List preferred status means nothing when i give Southwest MORE business and take my family.


Re: Future Improvements to A-List Perks

Explorer B

I am suprised that those posting have such a different experience than I do flying SWA.   I fly for business but have frequently seen one person board with an A and "save" seats for the rest of their family or flying group.   I have only done that once when I happened to be be flying on business and was booked on the same flight as my son's best friend- who was like my own kid and he and his bride were flying to their honey moon cruise.  I had a couple 5:00 am grumpies be unhappy but most were understanding.   Families should sit together and A-listers should have the benefit of getting on first.   The man with a 7 year old obviously won't leave his daughter to board alone but can board between the A's and B's because of his A list status and her age being close enough to the 5 and under.  (if you ask nice and the gate agent isn't a real stickler.. )     I did board one flight where the gate agent wouldn't let number 23 go before 22 so......   but that is another story.  


It is my experience that most people who choose to fly Southwest are of a more relaxed nature.   We enjoy the great customer service of SWA, everyone trys to make the flying experience great.  Of course anyone can have a bad day but usually if you explain your situation people are willing to work with you.   Unless I have a really short connection I will give up my seat to let a family be together even if I have to go to the back of the plane.   As I said, I fly for business and I can't miss a flight and risk my job but I try to be accomodating and I I have seen many others do the same.  


Another reason I love SWA.     I would love the luggage tag thing--mine always seem to come off last.   I am a  big proponant of people checking luggage and not carrying on.  Nothing slows down the boarding and exiting process like all those large carry on's.  Are you really going to change your clothes on the plane.  LOL.  (It's a joke, it's a joke)