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Southwest Airlines Community

Covid and Travel

Explorer C

I and a very large number of Southwest flyers are not going to get a Covid vaccine because of its experimental nature, the unknown effect on fertility and allergic reactions. Airlines are not doctors. Our rights to our private medical practices are not to be exploited. 


If any airline bends under pressure on this, you will have to endure lawsuits and the return of unused mileage in the form of money to your loyal customers. 


Thank you,



Re: Covid and Travel

Aviator A

What in the ever loving heck prompted that?

Re: Covid and Travel

Aviator A

President Biden signed an executive order saying that all plane passengers must be masked.


He could easily sign another that mandates that all plane passengers must be inoculated. 

Re: Covid and Travel

Aviator A

We can disagree about your reasons for not getting vaccinated, but airlines and other businesses can require their customers to be vaccinated.  It's too early to say if vaccination will be a requirement for domestic travel, but other countries and some international airlines are already requiring or plan to require proof of vaccination.  If you choose not be vaccinated you may find your travel options limited.



Covid and Travel

Aviator C

You state, "a very large number," in your comment.  Yours is the very first comment of this nature that I've seen, and sadly, I'm on here almost every day.  Where did you get your data from?  I agree with the previously mentioned information from @TheMiddleSeat things can change anytime with the stroke of a Presidental pen or an act of Congress.  I don't think that the "being sued" bullying tactic on the SWA discussion forum changes anything or anyone's opinion.  Hopefully, the Science becomes more clear for those that are skeptical, and in the meantime, you don't become seriously ill from COVID, but it's your choice.  I know the 450,000 families of people who lost a loved one are also hoping this happens.    

Re: Covid and Travel

Frequent Flyer A

Well...I do agree with this:

"Airlines are not doctors."