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Middle seat for C group boarding

Explorer C

On Feb 20,2024 I travelled from Dallas Love field to Atlanta with my 15 years old and 8 years old daughters and my wife. We were given the C group 22 boarding . We followed the instructions as anouced and was  the last people to board the flight. To my surprise,  I noticed every single isle and window are occupied,  leaving only the middle seats for the family. My older daughter was not comfortable to sit in between the older men sitting there and my younger daughter started to cry as we try to find a place. The airline staff was pushing us to go settle down. I said my younger daughter cannot sit alone as she get scared when the ears clogs and she start crying. I recorded the event how the staff wasn't ready to help. I even ask if we can deboard the flight if they can't help.


This is a problem of mismanagement. Airline clearly ignore children and they don't care who is boarding. As if there system cannot recognize the age group.


There was a kind lady passenger who moved to help my you ger daughter get a place sit in isle and my wife far off.  My older daughter still had trouble traveling. 

Worst thing is people who occupied isle and window are actually friends or members of same family. 


Probably my first experience with southwest wasnt good.if you're flying with family,  please do discuss with the boarding staff to help. May be they help white people for sure. 


Southwest,  people boarding in C group are they paying less ? Does C  means we deserve to be treated this way? If so please do mention in the ticket or reduce price for people boarding C group. Particularly the last C 22 group .No harm being honest. 


Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Explorer C

thanks for sharing...!!

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Frequent Flyer A

Wow, I can understand your frustration, but that being said. Claims of mismanagement and racism on your part are a bit of a stretch. I hate to be a Fanboy but your statements are just not true.

Southwest is pretty clear about their boarding process. Your ignorance of their boarding process is not mismanagement. You agreed to their contract of carriage and their boarding process when you purchased your tickets. Saying you were "given the C group 22 boarding" omits a lot of detail, but you clearly state you were the last people to board the plane. Last on the plane equals last choice seats on Southwest, it is that simple. This for better or worse is ignorance on your part.


Claiming racism, "maybe they help white people for sure"? This is really over the top and just more evidence of ignorance on your part of the boarding process you agreed to when you purchased your tickets.

It has been my experience that Southwest has a very diverse Clientele and Flight Attendants. (Could they have more diversity in the cockpit, absolutely.) They are not Racists.


You are NOT special (specifically you were not entitled to special seating arrangements at the expense of those who boarded before you.)

You were NOT targeted because of race, (you were simply the last to board.)


Please when you travel in the future read and understand what you agree to when you purchase your airline tickets.

Safe Travels

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Aviator C

Hi! So sorry to hear about this. Because this is a customer-based forum, I'd suggest you reach out to the team:

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Aviator A

@Pawankumar wrote:

Worst thing is people who occupied isle and window are actually friends or members of same family. 


I'm sorry the trip didn't go well and I hope the boarding system makes more sense to you know in case you have a return trip planned.


Regarding this particular point: that's your bad luck and it has happened to me before as well - if you see two people traveling together in the window and aisle, most of the time when you go to sit in that middle seat they will consolidate. But not always, some travelers have just agreed they won't sit together for a few hours and see their partner at the airport.


One time I even had a "tip" from someone at the same company he was trying to play a trick on his boss and the boss' wife who were sitting several rows back to try for that middle so I did - they just stayed in their window and aisle. 🤣


Anyway the family boarding policy is quite generous but applies to kids 6 years old and under. 




Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Frequent Flyer B

I think the way Southwest boards families is very fair.  They board between the A and B groups, there are typically plenty of seats together then.  It sounds like your children may have been slightly older than the policy guidelines but did you ask the gate agent if you could go ahead and board as a family given her needs? I would guess they would have allowed it.  Other alternatives to try to get earlier boarding are to purchase early check-in prior to the check-in process (more than 24 hours in advance) or purchase upgraded boarding (A-1 -15).  

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Explorer C

Agreed.  I learnt it hard way. My daughter was 8 years old but with medical issues. I wasn't worried about my older one,myself or  my wife. 

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Explorer C

Didn't you ignore about the  child  issue I mentioned? You just focused on two things to prove did it help anyone? Except satisfying your ego. I know it is hard to understand somebody else situation and why they said it , unless we face the same problem ourselves. It requires some level of humanity beyond books and looks.


I'm not A lister nor a frequent flyer like you.  This message is only for those who may end up in same situation . I don't want anyone's kids to face the same situation. It breaks my heart to even think about it  . The kind lady who helped us was a white lady. But same behavior wasnt seen in the staff. I recorded it, it was clearly biased. So everyone who  want to voice out opinions on this forum should  get the approval from you? Bc you get to choose what you want and treated well? Infact you are degrading the standard of southwest by not addressing the issue , just like what they did.


So what is the problem in adding a note on the ticket visibly  so people dont have to go through pages of  policy documents? or allowing mom and kids to board together? Isn't that simply too? 

Technology today can instantly identify the passengers age , a note would have avoided this situation. There are many other ways to solve and that is what is called management. Accept the mistake and grow up. My ignorance have already taught me not fly southwest again until my kids grow up or I travel alone. But when will you learn ?



Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Aviator C

I am going to go ahead and say what the "silent majority" are thinking.


First, you chose Southwest likely because it was the lowest cost airline.  In doing so, Southwest has OPEN SEATING which you must have known because you didn't choose a seat like you might on another airline with a higher price.


So, you made AN INFORMED DECISION and identified the consequences therein.  No one is going to hit the reformat button because you want your kids to sit together with you.  The rest of us enjoy Southwest the way it is.  It is not an issue of mismanagement, only that you made a choice and don't like the outcome.


There are plenty of airlines who offer assigned seating and I would suggest that you purchase a first class ticket on another airline and choose exactly where you want to sit, you and your kids too.


Bye bye...

Re: Middle seat for C group boarding

Explorer C

Again that's your opinion. But you missed a point I m flying southwest for first time bc DFW is closer to my cousins home not love field.