We are asked a lot of questions during flight. The most-asked question is, "Can I use the rest room?" The next is, "Where are we?" The craziest question I've ever been asked is, "Did you used to be a boy?" (My ID picture was taken when I had real short hair.) I gave the lady my most serious look and said, "Yes, and this gentleman here was my sister!"
I'd like to share some thought-provoking questions (and some of my humorous responses) that I've been asked this past year.
Q Do the Flight Attendants and the Pilots stay together on layovers?
A Do I ask you about YOUR personal life? The real answer is we stay at the same hotel which is what I think the red-faced woman meant.
Q My wife and I have been watching you. You're a Gemini, aren't you?
A No, I used to be a "Jim and I," but Jim and I have been divorced for years.
Q Do I have to sit in the middle seat? (Last available seat)
A When you're the last one to the dinner table for Sunday dinner, you don't get the best piece of chicken.
Q Just WHO are we waiting for? (While holding for connecting passengers)
A We are waiting for Bob and Betty Green. They have been married twenty years; they have six children at home; they're paying the babysitter $10.00 an hour and they HAVE to get home tonight!
Q Why does your husband let you do this? (Asked awhile back)
A We worked together five years and spent twenty four hours a day, seven days a week side by side. He found me looking for hit men in the classified ads--any more questions?
Q Are you always this happy?
A Yes, my children grew up!
Q Are you taking orders?
A No, I'm taking requests!
Q Why can't I change my companion any time I want for your Companion Pass program?
A Southwest is trying to encourage monogamy!
Q What did you do to make those passengers so happy?
A I LIKED them! No one wants to be strapped down and encapsolated in a tube at 35,000 feet with somebody who's mad at them.
I hope to see you on one of my flights some day. If I don't have an answer to your question, I'll make one up!