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Southwest Airlines Community

Check in delay

Explorer C

For years now, when I check in, I watch the global clock strike the 12 for the time I am to check it. Never before the correct time, I always wait until it hits 12 and shows the time.  EVERY time it errors out 2-4 times,   This happens on cell phones, wifi, cell coverage, laptops, etc and my App is always up to date.  The current trip we are on, it took 4 attempts and we were late “B” as a result.  Seconds count.  Anyone have a fix or sure fire method?


Re: Check in delay

Aviator A

There is no global clock and no way to know the exact time of Southwest servers.  Yes, it would be wonderful if everything was synced.  Furthermore, even if you check in exactly at 24 hours prior to departure you can still get a B or a C boarding position so you may have been the first one to manually check-in, you'll never know.  A-List flyers and anyone who purchased EarlyBird Check-in already have their boarding position assigned 36 hours before departure.  You want to eliminate the hassle?  Buy EarlyBird Check-in or work to become A-List.





Re: Check in delay

Aviator A

Before I became A-List, I used to rely on my notebooks clock - had the page open to allow me to check in with one cick and the scond the computer clocked kicked over, I checked in ..

That seemed to work.

Re: Check in delay

Aviator A

I have noticed a few times when I checked in family members right on time it would tell me not available for check in and it took a few extra seconds I just thought maybe my phone is fast it’s never more than 5 seconds difference in my experience but I never noticed a major difference in boarding groups over that 5 seconds. 

Re: Check in delay

Frequent Flyer B

Maybe we as a community can only take 3 out of 4 window seats on 4 flight trips

Re: Check in delay

Frequent Flyer A

"Anyone have a fix or sure fire method?"


I know exactly what you're talking about!


I don't know if this is a sure fire method, but when I check in family, I use the 4-second Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi...and then click the check-in button.  It works every time without having to go back and start over, losing "valuable" seconds.

Re: Check in delay

Explorer C

Sounds like a winner!  Thanks!