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Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer A

This is a direct quote from SWA Rapid Rewards Terms and Conditions: Companion Pass:

For A-List and A-List Preferred Members who have also qualified for a Companion Pass, reserved boarding privileges will not be provided to the Companion unless the Companion is also an A-List or A-List Preferred Member.


So, with this as the current policy, I don't know how Companions are boarding at the same time as the Companion Pass Owner, even when boarding on the same confirmation number.


The above doesn't apply in my case but here it is FYI. My wife and I were both on the same Business Select confirmation. Today I received authorization for the Companion Pass and I immediately designated my wife as my Companion.


But now, what to do with the reservation we had already made for us both as Business Select? I contacted Customer Service and inquired about canceling our reservation and rebooking with her as the designated Companion. He advised against it, as the fare has increased for our flight and although her ticket would be free, she wouldn't get the reserved boarding privilege, even if I again booked Business Select for myself, since neither of us are A-List Preferred Members. He recommended simply deleting her reservation and rebooking as the Companion on a separate confirmation number. It wasn't possible to add her as the Companion on the original confirmation.


So, that's what she did, and we were refunded 40,000 RR Miles back to my account. She won't get her boarding number until the 24-hour window opens for her to check in. She can buy the EB outside the 36-hour window or she can buy Advance Boarding ensuring A1-15, if it's still available. We'll assess the situation and decide what to do as departure time approaches.


In the meantime, we're saving 40,000 miles and if I get my favorite 16A or F throne I'll attempt to save the middle seat for her. An EB or Advanced Boarding purchase will put her farther forward in boarding. The aisle will still be available for anyone and as we all know, no one wants a middle seat unless those are the only seats remaining.


Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Aviator C

Glad you got your points refunded.


I have reserved the front seats for my flight to PIT in July.  

Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Aviator A

@StaticLine wrote:

This is a direct quote from SWA Rapid Rewards Terms and Conditions: Companion Pass:

For A-List and A-List Preferred Members who have also qualified for a Companion Pass, reserved boarding privileges will not be provided to the Companion unless the Companion is also an A-List or A-List Preferred Member.


So, with this as the current policy, I don't know how Companions are boarding at the same time as the Companion Pass Owner, even when boarding on the same confirmation number.


Unfortunately, the terms and conditions document you are referring to no longer reflects the current situation and should be updated by Southwest.  There are a few other things in that same paragraph that also need to be updated, such as references to a physical companion pass card.


If you were to look at the more simplified FAQ page about Rapid Rewards and Companion Pass ( you will see Southwest has updated the information there to reflect what is occurring now:


What benefits do I receive as an A-List member?

You and all Passengers included on your reservation will receive priority boarding, which means Southwest will automatically reserve a boarding position 36 hours prior to the flight


As you noted, this benefit does not apply to those who have purchased a Business Select fare, the companion does not receive sequential boarding positions in this case and must actually do a manual check-in 24 hours prior to departure.


What the agent did is the best course, removing the one passenger from the existing booking leaves the Companion Pass holder's reservation intact, unchanged, and allows the CP holder to then add the other passenger for free.  A Companion Pass holder and their companion will always have separate confirmation numbers, this is not unique to your situation.  As mentioned earlier, since you have a paid Business Select fare, your companion will need to manually check-in 24 hours prior to departure.  My suggestion would be to check-in and then immediately pay for the upgraded boarding to put the companion in the A1-15 group.  I've used that option many times right at 24 hours prior to departure and have never had an issue with the spots being sold out.  Sure, there's a chance, but highly unlikely.  Then, you and your companion will have boarding positions in A1-15 and can choose to board separated by a few positions or board together at the worse of the two positions.



Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer A

Thanks for the response.

Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer A

If I understand you correctly, as it applies to Companion Pass passengers, the policy you cite provides priority boarding for all passengers on the A-List member's reservation regardless of their status, but that excludes Companion Pass passengers, since they must make a separate Companion reservation for the same flight at the Companion Pass owner, A-List or otherwise.


What exactly does priority boarding mean? Do A-List and A-List Preferred members automatically receive A1-15 boarding privileges, or must they purchase Upgraded Boarding within 24 hours of departure or purchase Business Select to ensure A1-15?  Otherwise, they're simply receive 36 hour Early Bird check-in boarding positions?


If those paying passengers on the A-List member's reservation are not A-List members themselves, they also automatically receive EB 36 hour check-in?


I'm having trouble differentiating A1-15 boarding from priority boarding.


It's logical that non A-List Companions flying a comp ticket don't receive sequential or consecutive boarding in A1-15 positions in the interest of reserving those boarding positions for those who purchase Upgraded Boarding or Business Select fares. But non A-List passengers included on the same reservation as the A-List member who upgrades or buys a Business Select fare surely don't themselves also automatically upgrade to A1-15 boarding positions. That would eat up the A1-15 boarding positions in a hurry. Hence, priority boarding for all, which I think is a nebulous term.

Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Aviator A

@StaticLine A lot to unpack here, hopefully I can touch on all points.


The sequential boarding policy applies to both A-List passengers, giving others on their reservation the benefit of A-List, AND to Companion Pass holders and their companions.  Yes, the snippet I copy/pasted only shows the A-List portion of the new policy.  While a CP holder and companion are not on the same confirmation number, their reservations are linked as such to allow the system to know they should receive sequential boarding positions.

  • If either the CP holder or the companion are A-List both will receive the benefit of A-List.
  • If neither the CP holder or the companion are A-List they will still receive sequential boarding positions based on the position given to the first of those two to check-in.
  • If either the CP holder or the companion purchases EarlyBird check-in both will benefit from it.
  • If neither the CP holder or the companion are A-List and neither purchase EarlyBird then when one of the two checks in within 24 hours of departure, both are assigned sequential boarding positions at that time.


If a Business Select ticket is purchased then all sequential boarding benefits no longer exist.  Companions of a CP holder who has a Business Select ticket must either check-in manually at 24 hours prior to departure OR purchase EarlyBird check-in.  It's not possible for an A-List passenger to purchase Business Select and also have non-Business Select passengers on the same confirmation number so the Business Select exclusion only applies to Companion Pass holders because their sequential boarding benefit extends across two confirmation numbers while A-List sequential boarding benefits only apply to a single confirmation number.


I believe the term "priority boarding" is part of the marketing for EarlyBird.  This only states that EarlyBird passengers are assigned a boarding position ahead of anyone who does not purchase EarlyBird, is not A-List or on a reservation with another A-List passenger, or is not on a Business Select ticket.  Within EarlyBird boarding position assignment there is also a prioritization based on fare type and time of purchase.  EarlyBird must be purchased prior to 36 hours before departure.  A1-15 boarding positions are NOT available to EarlyBird passengers, those are only available to Business Select passengers OR those who purchase upgraded boarding within 24 hours of departure.


Within 24 hours of departure if one passenger adjusts their boarding position through the purchase of "upgraded boarding" (A1-15) their adjustment has no affect on the other members of their reservation or, in the case of CP holders and companions, no affect on the position of the other.  All sequential assignments are made at 36 hours prior and there is no continuous link that keeps them together after that points.


I encourage you to begin a new thread if you have any additional questions on this matter.  We don't need to continue taking this older thread off track.  It's all good info and good questions so don't hesitate to ask, just start a new thread if you want to continue.




Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer A

Well, you're correct, lots of info in your reply and it illustrates just how confusing and contentious the SWA open seating policy can be. 


I don't believe I have any more issues that would add to the body of knowledge here. I do agree this topic would be better served on a separate thread but I don't know how to export it.

Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Aviator A

@SWFlyer007 wrote:

Since they started the practice of making sequential boarding numbers for companions, I've flown about 30 times.  Each time my companion was the next boarding number.  ALTHOUGH, this to be true, my companion always goes ahead and checks in right at the 24-hour mark to be sure.  I don't know if it's because I'm also an ALister or not, but I love it and thank SWA for the change.  

One time this won't work (just FYI) is if you have a business select fare, then they don't have a way to take one of the 1-15 slots for the companion.


Also if you buy the tickets after T-36 then you'd be checked in together but without A-list benefits.


If you bought the tickets after T-24 then you might not be sequential, it would depend what was available.


It's been pretty robust for me too, working great as far as I can tell.






Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer A

@Rocketman75, you state your "wife was relegated to sitting between to very rude, obnoxious gentlemen."


I'm sorry to learn of her experience, but out of curiosity, on a three hour flight, if she was that miserable, why didn't you change seats with her? I must be missing sometbhing here. 



Re: My companion got hosed on boarding

Explorer C

Nope,  your not missing anything,  the issue was because of the way we had to board,  me 1st with kids,  there was no way to really tell what it would be like until we got into the air,  etc... it's not like she could call me on the phone once we were under way.   Regardless,  I did end up eventually changing seats a little more the 2/3 through and they were not extreme happy to see the change of exchange of a middle seat companion from my wife, a petite, 5 foot, 95lbs female to  6'2" 250lb grumpy man.... 


Anyway,  I hope this helps to shed more light on this,  or as you inquired, am I missing something???