"only sell earlybird for the A boarding position.
There is no way to do that because there is no way to know how many A-Listers will grab A spots until 36 hours before the flight. You could have A50-A60 available and then 10 A Listers buy tickets and grab them.
EBCI only guarantees 2 things:
1) you don't need to worry about checking in at t-24 hours
2) You will get a better boarding position than everyone that checks in manually.
That's it.
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12:34 AM
12:34 AM
I haven't checked luggage in over 25 years. After the second time my luggage did not arrive, once again with very specific clothing required, a suit for an international presentation & a banquet down the first time, that was the very last time I ever checked luggage.
I do love your thinking. It's a great idea if it works for you. However, never have the luxury to sit around and wait for 30 rows of people to deplane. But if I had the time it sounds very entertaining.
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01:35 PM
01:35 PM
A seat is a seat, of course anyone would prefer an aisle or the window, but I've been in the middle before and as long as I can get on the plane to my destination, I don't care 😄 --Jessica
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It's a premium option among middle/window seats for sure. I'll play devil's advocate a little: Some people will try to sleep and this seat you can't lean against the side of the aircraft for extra support. If traveling in a pair its great. The matching aisle seat is the same as any other aisle though and doesn't recline Person in the "Dannering" seat behind you to the left will keep asking you to help stow their things under the seat in front of them, which is in front of you. Overall I also will leave it for someone traveling in a pair and hope for the karma to be paid forward by someone else later. I enjoyed sitting there as my first choice seat before kiddos when traveling with my wife.
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