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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Explorer C

Really?  A uniformed employee?  I've been flying back and forth between DAL and SAT weekly, and most (not all) of the gate agents I encountered don't even try to enforce.  (One exception in DAL, wish I knew her name... she did it RIGHT!)

  I chose SW not only for the good pricing, but also for their published safety PROMISE.  Go read the website and that word is actually used.  This must be a presidential promise.  Only good for campaigning.

I am sad that I can't trust such a love'able company to get their own employees in compliance with their 'promise' of safety.  I have complained to the gate agents who are letting people board without distancing, and allowing people to walk on the plane with no mask, or in one case a guy boarded with fishnet mask.  For real.  I'm thinking of switching to United, American, or maybe even DRIVE 4.5 hours to stay safe.  COVID is real, I have family who have dealt with it, and others at risk.  I shouldn't even be traveling, but again... there was that "promise" that lured me back in a plane.

I am not big on the idea of risking my health because SWA can't train employees to herd people on a plane with 6 feet between them.  You all have a very hard job, I'll admit, but SWA did promise after all, and your people should keep that promise to the best of their ability.

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Explorer C

Quick update! Kudos to Cindy at SAT 9/8 PM.  As I am awaiting boarding, she has clearly stated the safety rules and reinforced the concept of boarding without crowding, and I felt like applauding. Thanks Cindy. You are truly an example of the kind of people I think of when I choose SWA.

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Explorer C

There is absolutely no legitimate medical reason to require masks. The spread of fear with posts like this cause more damage than a flu virus ever could. Stopping people from breathing, or forcing them to wear certain things has proven to harm societies and individuals alike. Requiring a mask will not stop a virus, this is ridiculous. What's next, chainlink fences to stop mosquitos? Policies based on irrational emotions are not congruent with a successful company.

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Aviator A

@CassioBanquo wrote:

There is absolutely no legitimate medical reason to require masks.


The CDC strenuously disagrees with you.

Re: No enforcement of mask rule


@CassioBanquo wrote:

There is absolutely no legitimate medical reason to require masks. 

We require Customers and Employees to wear face coverings or masks in accordance with public health guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since evidence demonstrates that COVID-19 can be spread by individuals who do not have symptoms and do not know that they are infected with the virus.



Community Manager

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Aviator A

@CassioBanquo wrote:

There is absolutely no legitimate medical reason to require masks. The spread of fear with posts like this cause more damage than a flu virus ever could. Stopping people from breathing, or forcing them to wear certain things has proven to harm societies and individuals alike. Requiring a mask will not stop a virus, this is ridiculous. What's next, chainlink fences to stop mosquitos? Policies based on irrational emotions are not congruent with a successful company.


This is simply not true.


I posted a ton of references here a while back. The science supporting mask use as a way to slow the spread of corona virus has only deepened since then. Masks work.


Frankly, I find it surprising that anyone would not understand this at this point in the pandemic.

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Explorer A

Just one more reason why I fly SW during Covid. Stay home if you are scared. Stop trying to make the entire world adjust to your fears. 

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Aviator A

@Sweety-D wrote:

Just one more reason why I fly SW during Covid. Stay home if you are scared. Stop trying to make the entire world adjust to your fears. 


I'm not sure to which comment you're replying, but I assume you understand that Southwest has the strictest mask & cleanliness policy of any carrier? Including allowing no exceptions to their mask requirement for all passengers over age 2?

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Explorer A

That's twice now you've trolled my post. Again, I know the policy. The point of the OP was that it was not enforced, which I celebrate. Let's not overcomplicate this. 

Re: No enforcement of mask rule

Aviator A

@Sweety-D wrote:

That's twice now you've trolled my post. Again, I know the policy. The point of the OP was that it was not enforced, which I celebrate. Let's not overcomplicate this. 


I'm sorry that you feel I'm trolling, I'm simply commenting, and correcting the mistaken information in your post, which seemed to indicate that enforcement was lax. It's not. In fact, since the original posts in both places, enforcement has increased, with the addition of the no exceptions policy.


As it should be.