I'm with you on the fact it doesn't matter to me who flies the plane. But it states they will train them, I'm sure they will have lots of flying experience once they start to pilot a plane. But I always fly SWA anyway
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Sorry, I going to state that I'm one of the many who actually want this to happen....
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@Heidi2020 @bwallet @TheMiddleSeat I agree with bwallet, nor does it give you the right to use physical slurs about a person. From the advice of Themiddleseat, you should send your complaint to customer service, but I personally don't think if you start it off with, fat blonde, that they will make it their priority, I wouldn't. If this is true, sorry for the incident, but what makes you any better when you slander somebody about physical features, it doesn't get my sympathy, just FYI.
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01:42 PM
i got a change, but it was only 5 min from the original take-off time.
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I know it's just a chance of who has it or not, but just for now, I'm with you. But at some point in the VERY NEAR future, I won't be on your side. I can't wait for that day when you have to provide this information. And yes, more than 3/4 of those that I fly aren't vaccinated, so it would be an issue for me as well, but I can suck that up, and just fly with them later.
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05:14 PM
1 Love
Since this is a customer-to-customer forum you could find the answer, but many of us are not in your state or area. What I do know is each state, county, and the city has websites that will give you this information. I travel and do just that. I go to the city of Albuquerque HHS website and all the COVID testing sites pop up. Good luck, I do know some airports have sites, Albuquerque also does, but I've also seen nobody sitting at the testing site way too often so you can't get a test.
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05:10 PM
@shurrieann I still stand by my other statement, but do agree with Passenger1, I hope you get a resolution to your satisfaction. Thank you for your front-line service.
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05:07 PM
@shurrieann I see no issue with it being "RESOLVED," as far as this forum where you present your situation. I will reiterate what is in the resolved reply. This is a customer to customer forum, we can't "resolve" it here, you should contact customer relations directly. I'm glad you brought this issue to light, as it can help others who are going to embark on a trip out of the country, (me) soon, to just play it safe, get a COVID negative before leaving and I don't even have to worry about any issues. An hour out of my day, and it saves me hours/days of frustration.
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THEY HAVE. This has been another example (even though later than promised) of how they continue to do things for their customers. I've already flown on 2 flights as an A-Lister and whatever my boarding number is, my wife is the next number. No more getting up at 6 am to do the 24 hours in advance check-in for her. True story, we were once on Martha's Vineyard Island doing a run on the trails when her reminder to check-in came up. Because of limited service we had to run to higher ground and to an open space to finally get a signal just to check in 24 hours in advance.... This is a great feature and will be the reason I will always work towards getting my A list.
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It depends on how you look at it. This means we are getting closer to back to normal. I kind of think this would be a good idea to just continue as a general practice. But I'm like Blake, it would rarely make me change my flight.
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03:25 PM
@IslandGirl where do you fly? I know Cozumel is opening up soon, have you gone there? I would suspect this process would be for anywhere you fly to in Mexico
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@jksobonya Sadly, I've seen people get stupid drunk, or at least, loud, obnoxious, negative, and combative on just two beers and/or two glasses of wine. According to most states BAL it's like 0.08, which relates to about 1 can of beer, 1 glass of wine an hour. (Which I don't personally agree with) This is just a reply to jksbonya's comment, not any judgement on the creator of this thread. With that said, take the advice of who to contact as I don't think outside of that anyone who didn't witness the situation can give much direction or comment.
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It has been on my bucket list to go to Eugene and run on the trails that the great, Steve Prefontaine, ran on. But whenever I was in Eugene it was passing through. Now I can plan a trip just for this. I'm totally impressed SWA.
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06:15 PM
@TheMiddleSeat @dfwskier But you would think Toronto would be a good fit, just over the borderline and Montreal.
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06:13 PM
1 Love
Agree with Blake. I flew to Dallas 3 times last fall in each of the months of Sept, Oct, and Nov and didnt pay over 102 for each flight. I'm heading to Dallas in the near future and didn't get a single direction for under 160. (From Albuquerque)
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@Cydkjones Your lack of ability to read seems to make some of us question your entire post. You call someone a troll because they are not an expert and that their opinion isn't merited? Dude, this is a "Customer or Interested Party Discussion forum," not the CDC or SWA employee relations link. You have an opinion and you stated it. Others stated their opinion and have a right to do so. That's my opinion and I'm not an epidemiologist or an SWA employee, so I'm a troll too, and proud of it. Have a wonderful evening.
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11:21 PM
Yes, I'm going to be the old out-of-touch guy who is just thankful that any internet access is better than none. Blast away if you want, but it's like the person who I seen irritated on one flight because SWA didn't serve the brand of soft drink they wanted and made a scene of it.
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11:12 PM
@Lenfishman I can't even start to try and give a reply for the first encounter of someone acting like a circus weight guesser, so I won't. As for the GA/FA saying the flight was full and you saw open seats. Did you consider that she was actually correct? Maybe some people didn't show up for their flight, that is a possibility. I can't answer why they didn't honor your extra seat card. I want to ask this. As a suggestion file your complaint and let the process play out. THEN, I want you to come back and post the results regardless of how long it takes. I hope you won't be one of those who get on here and rant and then get a resolution to your issue and we never hear the outcome. I for one would appreciate it. As a runner, I guess I will never get to buy the extra room seat...
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11:02 PM
11:02 PM
Nor would the fact that it's been over 2 months since you first posted this and they haven't found that the citations merit a change in policy, even with time for additional data. In fact, it's now a national mandate. I don't see SWA being inconsistent, they have done exactly what federal guidelines have directed them to do. I've seen far more data of other airlines having removed and banned passengers from flying than I have SWA. Just wear a mask, it isn't that hard, or just don't fly. You seem like an educated man, if you're going to continue to be frustrated, invest in a new car and drive and be happy. I'm pissed too because it's the population of Ken's and Karen's that won't just wear a mask, wash, and keep their distance when applicable. Here is one for you. I'm a runner, when I'm running I pull my mask off until I'm within a distance of someone, I pull it up. I also when available, go out of my way to stay 6 feet, when I can't (when it's not applicable) I run by them. If they don't have a mask, I even turn around and go the other way. Yes, it's on me, but what's the big deal.
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03:11 PM
The only thing I can respond to this is, laws change every year/day with legislation or what have you. Do you think because you may have bought a car way back when that somebody took out the seatbelts, that when the law changed you were exempt because the seatbelts were already taken out before the law? I feel for you, and agree with you, but I also know SWA is only abiding by the law.
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04:03 PM
@ho0dhippie Since I can only infer that you asking about what your subject title is about, hee is what I can provide for "Middle seat occupied" and what that means. Connet to this link and everything current about middle seats on SWA is there. https://community.southwest.com/t5/Blog/Middle-Seats-Announcement/ba-p/112733
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04:00 PM
04:00 PM
It also might be because of the weather right now, call and find out, it should prove to be much quicker than any answer regular joes like us can give in this forum.
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03:58 PM
@vineyardguy It might be some temporary glitch. Sometimes it's just better to go through the 1-800 number which I provided the link to that number as well as their Twitter, email, and Facebook page. https://www.southwest.com/html/contact-us/index.html It could also be because of the weather right now? call and find out, it should be quicker than asking on this forum.
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03:56 PM
03:56 PM
It might be some temporary glitch. Sometimes it's just better to go through the 1-800 number which I provided the link to that number as well as their twitter, email, and facebook page. https://www.southwest.com/html/contact-us/index.html
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03:27 PM
@Nomads You have the right to your opinion, but I think drinks on flights are the least of the majority of SWA flyers list of concerns. You are aware that you can bring your own drinks onto the plane with you, aren't you? Yes, I know you kind of feel entitled to your free drink because you bought a ticket, I can appreciate that.
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