03:21 PM
03:21 PM
@Nomads Well, I'm on your side on this one, but honestly, that will never happen on SWA or any other airlines. Like you, I fly multiple airlines depending on where I'm going, so yes, I have the ability to make that informed comment. When I sit in the aisle, I make it a point to lift up the armrest and swivel my legs out into the aisle so those that are in rows behind me that try and push forward can't get by without pushing my legs out of the way, which I won't allow. Yes, it's inviting confrontation, which as I age am more reluctant to do, but some dogs just can't be retrained. Staying on topic, even with any well made plan I could come up with if I was in charge of this issue, I just don't see that ever changing even when F.A. do make the announcements.
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12:31 AM
12:31 AM
@Johnwiz2 Still waiting on that reply. What happened?
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12:29 AM
@NicoleAshley That's all good, but what if like was stated it took 2 months, yet I want to take a trip prior to those points being credited to my account and my companion pass being ready to go. Seems like there could be a quicker process to the hotel points system, most of all when I double down the cost of my room to get a few more thousand points. I've been on both ends, seen points show up within 5 days, and also waited 3 months for them to post.
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Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I thought that the credit cards and their rewards programs were controlled by the bank connected to the card, in this case, Chase Bank. So SWA has little to do with how the reward points are structured and the promotions that are attached to them when they do roll out. If I'm wrong, please let me know.
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11:59 PM
Just like you, nor SWA, could predict the pandemic that started all of this off, nor could you, nor SWA, predict you were going to test positive. I'm not going to blame you or try to shame you by saying anything like if you would have been more cautious, there are many who stayed cautious and still got it. I hope that you have no ill condition due to this. (or whoever got a positive test) But I understand your issue is why can't SWA give you a break for being 5 days late. I think they are just following a laid-out policy that has unfortunately gotten more people than just you. But here is a thought, try filing your taxes on April 20th and asking the IRS not to penalize you because it's still so close to the 15th, or to try and tell a judge you only missed your court date by 5 days, so could you take that bench warrant off of me? You see where I'm going with this. When you buy a ticket you also have a contract that you abide by the restrictions tied to that ticket. I'm no your side honestly, it's COVID, it's a crazy time and nothing has been anything normal, most of all flying. Happy Anniversary, I wish it could have been a more pleasant one in terms of flying.
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Well here is my suggestion. Not knowing when you're traveling, hopefully not today, I would have multiple people ready with their Confirmation number and name typed in the check-in boxes on the SWA website. Once the moment of the 24-hour check-in hits, all of you press, check-in. Depending on how many AListers are flying on your same flight or those that paid for the early boarding, you should get lower to mid B seats. There will still be enough, although in the rear, for you all to sit together. Although not actually allowed, it is done, whoever is first on, if you get scattered boarding numbers, do what I do. I am AList, my wife isn't, so I get on and sit in the middle seat 😙 and that deters many from sitting down because they are looking for the seat with nobody next to them. And at times, I put on my mean face to appear as a grumpy old fart, that one works most often. I've been on flights where the flight attendant has asked people if they would be willing to give up their seats and move for the exact same situation you mention, to allow families to fly together. You might get a few looks with older kids, but go for it.
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09:42 AM
@dfwskier This shows you how out of touch with "real life" I am. I was going to go to my tax guy to file my taxes tomorrow. I guess I better wait.
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09:36 AM
09:36 AM
@reneepasley Yes, I understand learning styles very well. In fact, I teach a section on it in my college skills course. Learning styles refer to a range of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. Many theories share the proposition that humans can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, but differ in how the proposed styles should be defined, categorized and assessed.
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09:33 AM
Budget has been good at getting me my points, the one I will never go with again is PAYLESS. It's like pulling teeth with them and still haven't gotten points for two rentals with them. I finally quit trying. Word to the wise, don't use PAYLESS car rental expecting to get you rapid reward points.
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09:29 AM
09:29 AM
Yes, it does happen to somebody every year. As the others have stated, sorry you had to experience this, but it's not SWA fault as I read your post, it falls on you. I once thought I had a great argument when I filed my taxes one year just minutes after the April 14th deadline, NOPE, I was wrong.
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@gsking @TheMiddleSeat I might add to my post, this gentleman's argues that this is the worst reward program and yet says he is AList for 2 years. Well, I flew a different airline last year because SWA didn't go to that upper midwest city. No AList to fall back on I wanted a choice seat near the front of the plane and got it..........FOR A PRICE. Yes, choice seats cost more, unlike A-List, only by choice have I sat further back than the middle exit row seats, and at no extra cost. On my last flight, because of AList, I was in the 4th row sitting all pretty.
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10:32 PM
I then actually go to each of those 3 airlines websites, that should actually say, I go to those 3 rental car company websites.
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10:29 PM
@dfwskier What the??? If this comes up every year I would say that the SWA Human Relations person isn't doing that good of a job informing SWA pilots/employees what they do as they exit the company.
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@Passenger1C UH, when your boarding pass is scanned your boarding number comes up on the big screen in big letter/numbers. Can they catch everyone, NO, but if they show that they are at least asking one or two passengers to, "Please wait, you're a bit early. The others will hear and it might help to deter it. Yes, they are busy, but trust me, if it was me, I would find a way. Hey, even just announcing, "I know we are all eager to get on the plane, but we have a numeric order, please adhere to that order so I don't have to embarrass you by pulling you out of line to wait your turn. You never know. But for it to be ramped that nobody does anything is rather furstrating.
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10:14 PM
1 Love
@rich1954 Here is what I do. (Maybe I should spill the beans on here) But here is what I do. I go to the SWA Rental Car selection and do a normal rental request and see just exactly what the top 3 rental car companies are and write them down. I then go to those 3 companies in the DEALS and see what the Corporate or rental special code is for renting with them. I then actually go to each of those 3 airlines websites, (which all already have my rewards connected to SWA) and do a car rental and enter that code. I ALWAYS get a cheaper price than from SWA website rental car option. Sometimes it's been as much as $30 cheaper. And if I'm sure I'm getting that rental, each of the home car rental website has two options, PAY NOW and pay later. The pay now will even net you another saving of 15-30 dollars.
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10:06 PM
@DancingDavidE are you saying you can get SWA loyalty points with car rentals from Costco or Costco points? (I'm not a Costco member but wife is)
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@gsking I think this is what you're saying, but I will express it another way... On all the flights I've gotten off, they actually allow you back on the plane before they even start with pre-boarding.
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@nomoresouthwest Sorry to see you go, NOT. This means there might be an open seat for me not to have to sit next to a grumpy passenger. I totally disagree with everything you stated, I'm forever grateful to SWA and plan to continue to save thousands of dollars every year with my wife flying with me for free. Since I've flown every major airline I can tell you I've had issues on each one of them, and yes, SWA as well. But I can live with it a bit more when I getting on the plane in the top 40 passengers, (A-List) and my wife is flying for free.
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09:50 PM
09:50 PM
@sabbio1947 I totally agree, I will just need that grace period and it will be alright.
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01:15 PM
You state, "a very large number," in your comment. Yours is the very first comment of this nature that I've seen, and sadly, I'm on here almost every day. Where did you get your data from? I agree with the previously mentioned information from @TheMiddleSeat things can change anytime with the stroke of a Presidental pen or an act of Congress. I don't think that the "being sued" bullying tactic on the SWA discussion forum changes anything or anyone's opinion. Hopefully, the Science becomes more clear for those that are skeptical, and in the meantime, you don't become seriously ill from COVID, but it's your choice. I know the 450,000 families of people who lost a loved one are also hoping this happens.
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Depends on the motel chain. Larger chains do a better job at reporting them. I stayed at a mom and pop owned hotel near Long Beach once, and had even forgotten about the stay. About 2 1/2 months later I noticed 98 points for a hotel stay. That was how long it took. Now I will say, when I do the bonus points, I've seen them much quicker, but if you're a week out from Jan 1, it's a risk. But somebody stated if the stay was prior to Jan 1, SWA may apply them. I've not had that experience, other than a flight, so I can't answer that.
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01:14 PM
@elijahbrantley "It's also worth mentioning that sometimes families have no choice in the travel: family obligations, deaths, health needs, etc." Totally agree, which is why I didn't take the hard-line stance of "if you can't control them then you shouldn't fly. If I witnessed somebody struggle with making a child comply, I'd be sympathetic to the situation and not chastise them, probably would offer some suggestions.
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01:04 PM
01:04 PM
Here is the link I go to when I have a question on the companion pass and its rules. It's less than a year old, so the most current I've found. Sadly, I didn't see the opportunity to transfer. https://millionmilesecrets.com/guides/southwest-companion-pass/
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My suggestion is to contact Customer Relations/Service and give it a shot. Customer Service General Customer Service. 1-800-I-FLY-SWA (1-800-435-9792) Baggage - General Questions. 1-800-I-FLY-SWA (1-800-435-9792) Customer Relations. 1-855-234-4654. Articles Left at TSA Checkpoint. 1-866-289-9673 or tsa.gov. Rapid Rewards Customer Service. 1-800-445-5764. Public Relations & Media Relations.
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12:50 PM
@jrgsmnn So I want to know if you flew or not? If you did, I hope that you informed those near you that you were exposed. Many of the answers were about symptoms, but the majority of people who test positive were asymptomatic. Therefore, just because you didn't have any symptoms doesn't mean you didn't infect somebody.
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12:46 PM
12:46 PM
I totally understand that kids under a certain age and their refusal and lack of understanding that they need to wear a mask. But I just wanted to share with you, ANOTHER, (there are hundreds) instance of a child who died within hours of contracting the COVID. WHY, would you remotely put your/any child at risk for your comfort of flying? As a parent, I'd rather be totally frustrated with constant crying and rebellion from my child than to not hear them at all. When will people realize, yes, children seem to be less of the population who become ill from COVID, but there are still those from infants to 17 that have contracted COVID and died. https://www.koat.com/article/9-year-old-boy-dies-hours-after-becoming-sick-with-covid-19/35387718
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12:44 PM
I totally understand that kids under a certain age and their refusal and lack of understanding that they need to wear a mask. But I just wanted to share with you, ANOTHER, (there are hundreds) instance of a child who died within hours of contracting the COVID. WHY, would you remotely put your/any child at risk for your comfort of flying? As a parent, I'd rather be totally frustrated with constant crying and rebellion from my child than to not hear them at all. When will people realize, yes, children seem to be less of the population who become ill from COVID, but there are still those from infants to 17 that have contracted COVID and died. https://www.koat.com/article/9-year-old-boy-dies-hours-after-becoming-sick-with-covid-19/35387718
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11:27 AM
I doubt there is anyone keeping count, but if there was a customer satisfaction vs nonsatisfaction ratio count being taken, the numbers would overwhelmingly show customer satisfaction very high. Sadly, it's just those that are unsatisfied that will pursue signing up to this forum and post. I'm not saying they shouldn't because things do go wrong and people need to vent if it does. But overall, I feel SWA has been true to its word and tried to give us LOVE, as much as it can. Every company and organization will have those employees that don't stay the course, or something will go wrong, that's life. Thanks, SWA, I've been frustrated at times, but 98% of the time I'm very satisfied with them. Keep it up.
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@reneepasley Am I presuming your job isn't a high-risk job? I'm an Instructor, and I've got shot one of the Maderna, shot two in two weeks. BUT, I'm going to fight going back to work unless we have total vaccination of every student and staff. (I work at a community college) Teachers see hundreds of people every day that is transient back and forth to their homes, have people coming in from out of town, and will frequently visit places off-campus on a daily basis. We are talking about each individual making hundreds of contacts themselves every day, who if you multiply that get into thousands of degrees of contacts per student. So yes, I know your point, but if somebody wants to choose their safety right now, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Honestly, if people now don't see what a thankless yet so very valuable job teachers do, then they never will. I haven't used this in a long time, but if you're able to read this, thank a teacher. I do love the give a ticket idea.
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