2 weeks ago
1. Contact customer service with your question.
2. In the future, for a variety of reasons -- and this being one of them, consider purchasing one way flights rather than round trips.
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2 weeks ago
For a variety of reasons, I find that booking one-way flights is so much easier than booking round-trip (assuming the total cost is the same), particularly if you have to make any flight changes.
And your itemized receipt question is one more reason to add to the list.
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2 weeks ago
For a variety of reasons, I almost never book round-trip flights -- unless there is a cost difference vs purchasing two one-way tickets. And add your question to the list of reasons why I almost always purchase one-way flights.
You ask a good question, and with a round-trip flight, I do not know the answer. I would suggest contacting SWA directly regarding this.
But I do know that if you purchase one-way flights, that you can add your Companion to either, or both, flight with no issues.
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2 weeks ago
Great call regarding using a VPN and regularly deleting your history/cookies.
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"Early Bird Check-in is not worth anything."
What a silly, categoric, statement. But, it's 'almost' like your personal opinion and situation, might not exactly apply to everyone -- or something.
For many others, spending $25 to take the added stress out of setting an alarm to remind you to check in 24 hrs & 5 minutes ahead of your flight -- just to make sure you don't get relegated to a C boarding pass, sent to the back of the bus, likely getting wedged into a middle seat, while hoping there's enough room in the overhead bins, is more than worth it... and worth the non-taxable 'donation' to SWAs bottom-line.
Or, if you get an SWA Rapid Rewards card or two, you'll likely get two complimentary Early Bird boarding passes per year, plus 4 complimentary A-list boarding passes per year.
Given all of the combined stressors when flying, many find that a lot of combined little things like Early Bird Check-In, TSA Precheck (about $16 per year... or free with certain credit cards), free rental car memberships, and more, are more way more worth it.
Anyway, happy traveling.
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05:47 PM
05:47 PM
Reward points are simply another form of currency. As such, our SWA accounts and online account security should be treated similarly to our bank accounts. In today's world, passwords are simply insufficient for securing access.
Given this fact and the problem with hackers accessing customer SWA Rapid Reward accounts and stealing RR points, my hope would be that SWA would implement and require multifactor authentication for RR account login, point redemption, email/password/address change requests, etc.
While MFA is not a magic-bullet for stopping all hacking, it has been proven to dramatically reduce it.
Finally friends, don't be part of the problem and the 61% of people who reuse passwords across personal and work accounts. Doing so is essentially just begging hackers to hack your accounts. Use a password manager like Dashlane to provide extremely difficult and unique passwords for all of your accounts. A password manager also allows you to easily and regularly change your password -- which I now suggest doing every 60 days for sensitive accounts.
Thank you in advance, SWA, for improving the security for your RR members and their accounts.
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There have been a few times in the past with companies that I've done business with where I had a customer service problem, where I repeatedly and politely tried to get support through regular channels, and could not get the help I needed. I had to come up with a bit of an 'out-of-the-box' approach.
So, what I've done on a few occasions is to get on LinkedIn, pull up the company, find a few of the highest-level executives that I could, and through LinkedIn, politely, briefly, and in detail explain the situation and asked if they could possibly assist me.
The handful of times that I've done this, it has worked like magic. Senior-level executives in larger companies are not used to getting contacted directly by a customer asking for help with a specific service problem. My experience is that when this does happen, they tend to take personal ownership of the request and quickly light appropriate fires under the right read-ends... in order to appropriately resolve the problem and get it off of their plate.
I start at the highest level possible, because they will always push the situation down the food chain. It's almost impossible to start lower on the org-chart and have the problem pushed up. A few years ago, I contacted the CEO of 1-800-FLOWERS this way and he quickly and directly replied to my request. The problem I had that had been going on for about 12 weeks was resolved within 24 hours.
Best of luck to you and I hope SWA provides you the appropriate resolution.
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03:51 PM
03:51 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this terrible news. Since points are simply another form of money, as we have with our bank, SWA should absolutely require multifactor authentication for point redemption, account changes, etc. Multifactor authentication would help solve a great majority of this kind of theft.
Additionally, using a password tool like Dashlane, which assigns you a long, varied, and complex password, and allows you to easily change your password at any time or interval, is a good layer of protection that we can do ourselves. I use Dashlane to change my sensitive passwords every 60 days. Also, never use a password, or variation thereof, that you previously used.
Hopefully, SWA will take some ownership here and make you whole. You're looking at a loss valued at around $10,000... and in reality, if you had to pay for $10,000 in travel out of pocket, you'd have to earn a gross income of a lot more than that. Plus, if you have the Companion Pass and travel regularly with them, then those points are worth twice that amount.
Good luck and I hope you come out on the right side of this terrible situation.
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03:29 PM
03:29 PM
Perfect. Thanks for the information. That's what I thought, but wanted to confirm.
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01:32 PM
01:32 PM
Dear dfwskier,
Would you mind explaining what you mean when you say, "I'd be more interested if both the 3 and 9 month windows extended into 2024., but they do not."
What I'm specifically wondering is if I don't meet the $15k requirement until February 2024, will I get the 60,000 points award in March or April?
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09:29 AM
"but if using a Wanna Get Away Pus fare, that person can give the funds to anybody."
Are you absolutely positive about this?
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12:50 PM
12:50 PM
For many, SWA has earned the "I'll believe it when I see it" award.
And may the Force be with SWA.
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12:47 PM
1 Love
If we didn't get a Companion Pass every year, along with more points than we can use, and fly a lot domestically, I'd dump SWA in a New York Minute.
As you point out, this problem is nothing new and has happened multiple times over just the last few years -- obviously not to this level, but it's been bad many times.
Their latest crisis, however, has taken it to an entirely new level. This is the kind of crisis that can permanently damage a company and take years to recover from -- if recovery is even possible. This disaster will be studied as a cautionary tale in MBA programs for decades to come.
The postmortem on this will be quite spectacular.
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12:35 PM
12:35 PM
I think you mean that flights can be booked for Friday flights... and later.
Whether or not flights actually get off the ground, remains to be seen.
As we all now well know, booking a reservation, and actually getting planes off the ground, are two very different things.
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12:29 PM
12:29 PM
I think you mean that flights can be booked again for tomorrow. Whether or not flights actually get off the ground, remains to be seen.
This reminds me a little bit of the Seinfeld classic when he goes to pick up his rental car, but they don't have his car available. "You know how to take a reservation, but you clearly don't know how to fulfill a reservation."
Hopefully, SWA turns it all around tomorrow. I can't imagine not having this disaster resolved going into New Years' weekend.
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I'm not sure any price is a good deal if they can't get flights off the ground.
The SWA disaster will be studied in MBA programs for decades to come.
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12:16 PM
12:16 PM
"Southwest Airlines hopes to restore its full flight schedule by Friday"
Southwest released this announcement today. We'll obviously have to wait and see if they actually deliver. I can't imagine carrying this disaster into New Years' Weekend.
If SWA will give you a full refund, I would suggest taking it if you can book on another airline. Good luck to you and your family, and I hope you make it home tomorrow.
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12:02 PM
12:02 PM
I really like your sense of humor. Very funny stuff here.
Virtually not remotely helpful right now, given the SWA crisis which is changing by the second, but definitely dog-gone funny.
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Re. “a guy bleeding from his leg sitting in a wheelchair” If the guy was literally bleeding from an open wound, from an infection control perspective, this is commonly and technically known as “bad” – especially if someone is boarding a crowded plane for a well-contained flight. First of all, if the guy bleeding has an open wound, he himself is way open to bacteria and significant risk of infection, particularly in a crowded, closely contained, not very clean, commercial airplane environment. Secondly, if this is an open wound, those who might come into contact with the guy, or his blood from a surface, are at risk of contracting anything he may be carrying. This could be any type of blood-borne illnesses like hepatitis B or C, staph, or any other virus the person may have. Blood is a fabulous transmitter for illness. Additionally, bloodborne viruses can live outside the body and still cause infection. For example, the Hep B virus can live for as long as a week outside the body in dried blood, and Hep C for up to four days. One might also think there is a decent chance that a guy boarding a plane with a bleeding open wound is not in the best of health or under the best of care. To allow a passenger to have an uncovered, bleeding wound, while boarding and flying on a plane is staggering to me. And people usually look at me funny after I sit down, pull out my Lysol wipes, and clean every surface around me that I might touch. Southwest – Apparently you have a new protocol to implement, and/or further training to provide your employees.
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08:34 AM
Yeah... that's a way unnecessary comment. We have enough divisiveness in this world as it is. I don't need more it coming from the flight attendant.
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04:46 PM
1 Love
" the system automatically starts offering you only the higher priced fares" I'm not sure if that's for certain with SWA, but I've seen some odd things occur in this regard. When in doubt, I simply delete my browser history At times, it's definitely made a difference.
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04:40 PM
04:40 PM
Unbeknownst to me, my Global Entry card had recently expired and therefore I did not receive Precheck on a 2 out of 4 flights last week. I had pretty much forgotten what a major-league difference, and pain in the neck, going through the standard TSA line is like. I am more appreciative of Precheck than ever. I applied for renewal and thankfully one of my credit cards is covering the $100 fee. It took about 4 business days and I was back in TSA Precheck action! I’ve now got a calendar reminder set for 4 years and 10 months from now, so I renew it ahead of time in 2023.
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04:25 PM
04:25 PM
I would be very interested in learning how many dollars in passenger airline credits go unused each year. The gift card industry has made a fortune off of unused and lost cards. It would not be difficult for SWA to solve this issue and set up a wallet feature, like Alaska and many others have, since SWA already captures and owns all required data. In the meantime, I’ll continue to treat SWA airline credits like any other form of currency I have but manually track SWA credits very closely.
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05:53 PM
2 Loves
When my wife and I fly together, we almost always bring our 2 small dogs (under 9 & 15 lbs) and we pay $200 roundtrip per-dog ($400). They stay in their carriers under the seat in front of us. They almost never see the light of day until after we are off the plane. They are well behaved and 99% of people never know we have our dogs with us. However, if we were to scam the system and go the ESA route, our dogs would fly for free (saving us about $2,800 per-year), get preferential boarding, sit on our laps, and apparently we could let them lick the seat back tray (which, of course, we'd never dream of doing). We won't go the ESA route, but we can all see why people scam the system. And people look at me funny when I pull out the Lysol wet wipes and wipe down the daylights out of the seat tray, seatbelt, armrests, headrest, and anything else our hands will be touching on the petrie dish, aka. airplane.
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Liza, I think nearly all of us can appreciate why you are highly sensitive to this subject... as you should be. However, I hope it is clear that the problems being discussed are not, and certainly never should be, directed at responsible Service Animal owners like yourself. Most SA owners I've met along the way are usually very responsible and conscientious. From my experience, most of the traveler frustration with pets onboard flights is primarily with Emotional Support Animal owners. As a person who flies quite a bit, I think we can both appreciate the issue due to the abuse we have all seen. Best regards to you and your wonderful friend and Service Animal.
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This is great news! But I have one thing to say: PHX-to-LIH. Thank you. @kknox wrote: As you may recall, last week Southwest announced our initial four airports in the Hawaiian Islands: Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu (HNL), Kahului Airport on Maui (OGG), Lihue Airport on Kauai (LIH), and Ellison Onizuka International Airport on the leeward side of The Island of Hawaii (KOA). Today, we have more news about Southwest’s intended service plans for Hawaii. The initial gateway cities that will offer nonstop service (pending required regulatory approvals) to Hawaii are: Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) Oakland Metropolitan Airport (OAK) Sacramento International Airport (SMF) San Diego International Airport (SAN) While we aren’t yet ready to share specific nonstop routes or other flight details, please know those details will be reflected in the flight schedule that would publish following our ETOPS authorization from the FAA to operate Hawaii service. Southwest President Tom Nealon made these announcements this morning at a community meeting with Hawaiian tourism, civic, and government leaders. He shared Southwest’s eventual interisland flights would come following the initial ramp-up of operations across the state’s four principal airports. “Our plan for Hawaii requires us to share these initial details now so that our facilities in the airports will be ready for all that we intend to offer,” Nealon told a gathering at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki.
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This is more like a torturous tease-announcement 😉 GIT 'ER DUN! I can't wait for you guys to get this launched! We have family on Kauai and are looking forward to flying SWA, courtesy of the Companion Pass, to get there. And we'd really appreciate it if you'd give us Phoenician's some non-stop flights to the islands from PHX -- and yes, I know that's unlikely to happen, at least anytime soon.
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04:44 PM
If they only let you carry on say... 9, I'd be glad to help you out with the other 9. Anything I can do to help 😉
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01:31 PM
01:31 PM
If they belong to a Trusted Traveler program like Global Entry, you can enter this information as well when you make their reservation.
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01:19 PM
Spot on. Now that 2 one-way flights are almost always the same price as a round trip flight, with SWA I've only been booking 1-way domestic flights for several years now and this is one of the reasons why -- especially since SWA doesn't charge a cancellation or change fee.
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